Error merging: refusing to merge unrelated histories
时间: 2023-11-05 20:04:29 浏览: 86
"refusing to merge unrelated histories"错误是由于两个分支具有不相关的提交历史而导致的。这意味着Git无法确定如何正确地合并这两个分支。如果你确实需要合并这些不相关的历史,可以在执行merge命令时添加参数--allow-unrelated-histories,这将允许合并不相关的历史。
git merge main --allow-unrelated-histories
error merging: refusing to merge unrelated histories
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories <branch-name>
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
This error message occurs when attempting to merge two branches with unrelated commit histories. It's a safety mechanism in Git to prevent accidental merging of unrelated code bases.
To resolve this error, you can add the `--allow-unrelated-histories` flag to your merge command. This flag tells Git to allow the merge even if the branches have unrelated histories.
For example, if you want to merge branch `feature` into branch `master`, you can use the following command:
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories feature
After executing this command, Git will attempt to merge the two branches regardless of their unrelated histories. However, you should review the changes carefully to ensure that the merge makes sense and doesn't introduce any conflicts.