时间: 2023-10-31 11:58:47 浏览: 320
根据引用,Traefik提供了一种负载均衡策略,即基于cookie的粘性会话(sticky session)。这意味着一旦客户端与后端服务器建立了会话,它们将保持在同一台服务器上,从而确保会话的连续性。
根据引用,NGINX Ingress Controller可以通过Helm进行安装。Helm是Kubernetes的包管理器,它允许您轻松地安装、升级和管理Kubernetes应用程序的包。
根据引用,Ingress声明是一种Kubernetes资源,用于定义入口规则,将外部流量路由到Kubernetes集群中的服务。在此引用中,Ingress声明指定了使用Traefik作为后端实现,而不是使用NGINX的Ingress Controller。
traefik nginx
Traefik and Nginx are both popular reverse proxy servers that can be used to route incoming requests to the appropriate backend servers.
Traefik is designed to work seamlessly with containerized environments and supports multiple load balancing algorithms. It also has built-in support for Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, making it easy to secure your applications.
Nginx is a more traditional reverse proxy server that is widely used in production environments. It has a rich set of features and can be used for load balancing, SSL termination, caching, and more. Nginx is highly configurable and can be used in a variety of deployment scenarios.
Both Traefik and Nginx have their own strengths and weaknesses, so the choice between them depends on your specific use case and requirements. If you're deploying containerized applications, Traefik may be the better choice due to its seamless integration with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more traditional reverse proxy server with a rich set of features, Nginx may be a better fit.
ingress-nginx traefik
ingress-nginx 和 traefik 都是常见的 Kubernetes Ingress Controller,用于管理和路由进入集群的流量。ingress-nginx 是基于 nginx 服务的 Ingress Controller,支持 http 和 https 协议。具体而言,它是由 k8s 社区维护的 ingress-nginx,可以在 GitHub 上找到它的代码:。traefik 也是一种 Ingress Controller,支持 http 和 https 协议,并具有更多的特性,例如直接和高效的反向代理和负载均衡。traefik 的代码是用 Golang 编写的,部署简单,并且支持多个后端和内置的 WebUI。如果你对 traefik 感兴趣,可以在这里找到它的代码:。