Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.解决办法
时间: 2024-08-13 08:08:25 浏览: 279
在自然语言处理模型中,特殊token(如 `[CLS]`、`[SEP]`、`<unk>` 等)是为了表示特定的上下文信息或处理模型无法理解的单词而添加到词汇表中的。它们在诸如BERT、Transformer等预训练模型的基础上被使用,这些模型通常会在预训练阶段学习通用的语言结构,而在微调或训练过程中,会对这些特殊token的词嵌入进行调整。
1. **微调任务差异**:如果模型从一个通用任务转移到一个特定任务,例如从文本分类转为命名实体识别,这些特殊token需要适应新任务的要求,比如将`[CLS]`的输出调整为特定类别标签。
2. **领域适应**:对于领域特定的词汇,模型可能没有预训练经验,这时可能需要重新训练或微调包含这些特殊token的词嵌入以更好地捕获特定领域的语义。
3. **避免过拟合**:在一些情况下,可能需要防止特殊token过度依赖于训练数据,通过固定某些词嵌入或使用固定策略来保持一定程度的泛化能力。
- **仅微调特定层**:可以选择性地只微调包含特殊token的那部分网络,保留预训练模型的其他部分。
- **冻结部分参数**:对于不需要调整的词嵌入,可以将其设置为不可训练,以防止过拟合。
- **端到端训练**:在某些情况下,如果模型架构允许,可以直接在包含特殊token的模型上进行从头开始的训练。
- **动态更新策略**:使用 Curriculum Learning 或 Progressive Unfreezing 策略,逐渐释放词嵌入的训练权。
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
In natural language processing (NLP) models, special tokens serve as placeholders or indicators for specific types of inputs or tasks that require unique handling. These tokens are usually added to the vocabulary during model initialization or can be dynamically incorporated during training. They help the model understand and process:
1. **Padding** and **masking**: `[PAD]` and `[MASK]` tokens are used to handle variable-length sequences and indicate missing or padding elements.
2. **Segmentation**: `[SEP]` or `[CLS]` tokens separate sentences or segments in multi-token inputs, like in BERT or RoBERTa.
3. **Classification and tagging**: `[CLS]` is often used as the first token in a sequence for classification tasks, while `[MASK]` might be used for masked language modeling.
4. **Positional information**: `[unused1]`, `[unused2]`, etc., denote positions in the sequence.
When these special tokens are present, their word embeddings must be fine-tuned or trained along with the rest of the model parameters. Fine-tuning ensures that the model adapts to the specific task at hand, while training from scratch would initialize them anew without prior knowledge. This adaptation helps the model capture the context-specific meaning of these tokens and improve overall performance.