时间: 2024-10-20 07:02:32 浏览: 33
#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Ethernet header structure
struct EthHeader {
uint8_t dest[6]; // Destination MAC address
uint8_t src[6]; // Source MAC address
uint16_t type; // EtherType (usually UDP)
// IP header structure
struct IpHeader {
uint8_t ver_ihl; // Version and Internet Header Length
uint16_t tos; // Type of Service
uint16_t total_len; // Total length in bytes
uint16_t id; // Identification number
uint16_t frag_off; // Fragment offset
uint8_t ttl; // Time to live
uint8_t proto; // Protocol (17 for UDP)
uint16_t check; // Checksum
struct In_addr saddr; // Source IP address
struct In_addr daddr; // Destination IP address
// UDP header structure
struct UdpHeader {
uint16_t source_port; // Source port number
uint16_t destination_port; // Destination port number
uint16_t len; // Data length in bytes
uint16_t checksum; // UDP checksum
int main() {
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
pcap_if_t* devices;
pcap_t* handle;
bpf_u_int32 filter = 0;
struct EthHeader eth;
struct IpHeader ip;
struct UdpHeader udp;
// Get the list of network interfaces
if ((devices = pcap_findalldevs(&errbuf)) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening device: %s\n", errbuf);
return -1;
// Select a network interface for capture
char nic_name[PCAP_IF_MAXNAMELEN];
pcap_if_t* selected_device = devices;
while (selected_device != NULL) {
strncpy(nic_name, selected_device->name, PCAP_IF_MAXNAMELEN - 1);
nic_name[PCAP_IF_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
if (nic_name[0] != '\0') { // Replace with your desired interface name
selected_device = selected_device->next;
if (selected_device == NULL) {
printf("No network interface found.\n");
return -1;
// Open a handle to the device
if ((handle = pcap_open_live(nic_name, BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf)) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening device: %s\n", errbuf);
return -1;
// Set up Ethernet frame
memset(ð, 0, sizeof(eth));
memcpy(eth.dest, "YourDestinationMAC", 6); // Replace with destination MAC
memcpy(eth.src, "YourSourceMAC", 6); // Replace with source MAC
// Set up IP packet
memset(&ip, 0, sizeof(ip));
ip.ver_ihl = 4 << 4 | 5; // IPv4, no fragmentation
ip.total_len = htons(sizeof(struct EthHeader) + sizeof(struct IpHeader) + sizeof(struct UdpHeader) + /*YourDataLength*/);
ip.tos = 0; // Set as needed
ip.id = htons(time(NULL)); // Random identifier
ip.proto = IPPROTO_UDP; // UDP protocol
ip.check = 0; // Calculate and set later when we have the full packet
// Set up UDP packet
memset(&udp, 0, sizeof(udp));
udp.source_port = htons(/*YourSourcePort*/);
udp.destination_port = htons(/*YourDestinationPort*/);
udp.len = htons(sizeof(struct EthHeader) + sizeof(struct IpHeader) + sizeof(struct UdpHeader));
// Create a packet payload (replace this with your actual data)
char data[] = "YourData"; // Replace with your string or binary data
// Build the complete packet by concatenating headers and data
unsigned char packet[ETH_HEADER_LEN + IP_HEADER_LEN + UDP_HEADER_LEN + strlen(data)];
memcpy(packet, ð, ETH_HEADER_LEN);
memcpy(packet + ETH_HEADER_LEN, &ip, IP_HEADER_LEN);
memcpy(packet + ETH_HEADER_LEN + IP_HEADER_LEN, &udp, UDP_HEADER_LEN);
memcpy(packet + ETH_HEADER_LEN + IP_HEADER_LEN + UDP_HEADER_LEN, data, strlen(data));
// Calculate IP checksum if not already done
ip.check = in_cksum((uint16_t*)&ip, sizeof(ip));
// Send the packet
if (pcap_sendpacket(handle, packet, ETH_HEADER_LEN + IP_HEADER_LEN + UDP_HEADER_LEN + strlen(data)) < 0) {
printf("Error sending packet: %s\n", pcap_geterr(handle));
// Close the handle
return 0;
请注意,这只是一个基本示例,并未涵盖错误处理和完整的IP/UDP checksum计算。实际应用中需要考虑更多的边界条件和错误处理。此外,这个例子假设你的目标设备在同一局域网内,如果跨路由器传输,还需要设置相应的路由规则。