新闻发布系统 idea userinfo
时间: 2024-01-07 14:01:43 浏览: 92
新闻发布系统idea userinfo是一个基于用户个人兴趣和偏好的个性化新闻推送平台。该系统通过用户的浏览行为、收藏、点赞等数据,不断学习用户的兴趣领域和喜好,为用户提供个性化的新闻推送服务。该平台的独特之处在于它不仅仅是根据用户的兴趣标签进行推送,还会根据用户的实际阅读情况进行动态调整,确保用户获得更加符合自己需求的新闻信息。
此外,新闻发布系统idea userinfo也注重用户参与,鼓励用户分享自己的兴趣爱好和观点,用户可以通过平台发布自己的观点和新闻评论,与其他用户进行交流互动。
总之,新闻发布系统idea userinfo致力于利用个性化推送技术,为用户提供更加贴近需求的新闻服务,同时打造一个开放、互动的新闻社区,让用户不仅仅是被动接收信息,更能够参与其中,分享自己的声音。
req.session.userinfo = userinfo
As an AI language model, I cannot perform any server-side tasks or access any session variables. However, I can explain what the code "req.session.userinfo = userinfo" means.
In a Node.js application, "req" stands for the request object, which represents the HTTP request that the client sends to the server. "session" is an object that stores data across multiple requests, typically used for user authentication, data caching, or storing temporary information.
The code "req.session.userinfo = userinfo" assigns the value of "userinfo" to the "userinfo" property of the session object. This allows the application to access the user's information across multiple requests, as long as the user's session is active.
For example, if the user logs in and their user information is stored in "userinfo", the application can use "req.session.userinfo" to retrieve this information on subsequent requests, such as displaying the user's name, email, or other details.
this.userInfo = JSON.parse(userInfo)怎么获取userINFO里面的数据
"name": "John",
"age": 25,
"email": ""
const userInfo = '{"name": "John", "age": 25, "email": ""}';
const userObj = JSON.parse(userInfo);
const name =; // "John"
const age = userObj.age; // 25
const email =; // ""