gnuplot 提示cannot output binary data to wgnuplot text window如何解决
时间: 2024-11-22 16:34:30 浏览: 92
当你在使用 Gnuplot 进行绘图时,如果遇到 "cannot output binary data to wgnuplot text window" 的提示,通常是因为你试图将图片保存为二进制格式(如 PNG、JPEG),但是当前的输出窗口不支持这种格式的输出。Gnuplot 默认输出的是文本格式,对于二进制图片文件,你需要指定一个能够处理这类文件的外部设备。
1. **设置输出设备**:在 Gnuplot 命令行中添加 `set terminal` 后面跟随合适的终端类型,比如 `set terminal png` 或 `set terminal pdf`。这会告诉 Gnuplot 将输出到PNG或PDF等支持二进制图像的文件格式。
2. **保存图像**:然后运行 `plot ...; replot 'output_file.png'` 来绘制图形,并将结果保存到指定的文件名中,而不是尝试显示在文本窗口。
set terminal png size 800,600 enhanced font 'Arial,14'
set output 'output.png'
plot ...
replot 'output.png'
执行这个命令后,Gnuplot 会在工作目录下创建一个名为 `output.png` 的PNG图像文件。
GNUPLOT No output will be generated. Please select a terminal with 'set terminal'.
It seems that you are facing an issue with GNUPLOT where no output is being generated. To resolve this, you need to select a terminal using the 'set terminal' command. GNUPLOT supports various output terminals such as X11, PNG, PDF, and more.
For example, if you want to generate output on the X11 terminal, you can use the following command:
set terminal x11
If you prefer PNG output, you can use:
set terminal png
You can also specify additional options for the terminal, such as the output file name or resolution. Once you have selected the desired terminal, you should be able to generate the output successfully.
Please note that the exact commands and options may vary depending on your specific use case and GNUPLOT version. Make sure to consult the GNUPLOT documentation or refer to relevant online resources for more detailed information.
kali下载gnuplot显示unable to locate package gnuplot
在Kali中输入gnuplot命令时,可能会出现“command not found”的错误。这是因为gnuplot未安装。您可以使用以下命令在Kali中安装gnuplot:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnuplot
如果您在Kali中使用上述命令安装gnuplot时出现“unable to locate package gnuplot”的错误,则可能需要更新Kali的软件源。您可以使用以下命令更新软件源:
sudo apt-get update