<div className="groupInfor gd-group"> <div className="header"> <h5>个人股东</h5> </div> <Form.List name="personList"> {(fields, { add, remove }) => ( <> {fields.map(({ key, name, fieldKey, ...restField }, idx) => ( <AddPerson key={key} idx={idx} name={name} fieldKey={fieldKey} restField={restField} isDisabled={isDisabled} remove={remove} form={form} /> ))} <Form.Item className="offset-b0"> <Button className="new-init-btn offset-t20" disabled={isDisabled} onClick={handleAddPerson.bind(this)} style={{ width: 88 }}>+ 新增</Button> </Form.Item> </> )} </Form.List> </div>优化代码
时间: 2024-04-26 14:24:52 浏览: 197
1. 封装 AddPerson 组件,将其独立出来,方便复用和维护。
2. 将一些常量和重复的代码提取出来,定义为变量或函数,方便统一管理和修改。
3. 给组件和函数添加注释,解释其作用和参数含义,方便他人理解和使用。
4. 格式化代码,统一缩进、换行等,提高代码可读性。
5. 根据实际需求,考虑是否需要添加一些错误处理和验证逻辑,以提高代码的健壮性和可靠性。
优化以下代码:<div className="groupInfor gd-group"> <div className="header"> <h5>公司股东</h5> </div> <Form.List name="companyList" shouldUpdate={(prevValues, curValues) => prevValues.percent !== curValues.percent }> {(fields, { add, remove }) => ( <> {fields.map(({ key, name, fieldKey, ...restField }, idx) => ( <AddCompany key={key} idx={idx} name={name} fieldKey={fieldKey} isDisabled={isDisabled} restField={restField} remove={remove} form={form} /> ))} <Form.Item > <Button className="new-init-btn offset-t20" onClick={handleAddCompany} style={{ width: 88 }} disabled={isDisabled} >+ 新增</Button> </Form.Item> </> )} </Form.List> </div>
Here are a few optimizations that can be made to this code:
1. Use concise arrow function syntax for the `shouldUpdate` prop of `Form.List`:
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, curValues) => prevValues.percent !== curValues.percent}
can be simplified to:
shouldUpdate={(prev, cur) => prev.percent !== cur.percent}
2. Extract the contents of the `Form.List` render prop function into a separate component:
{(fields, { add, remove }) => (
{fields.map(({ key, name, fieldKey, ...restField }, idx) => (
<AddCompany key={key} idx={idx} name={name} fieldKey={fieldKey} isDisabled={isDisabled} restField={restField} remove={remove} form={form} />
<Button className="new-init-btn offset-t20" onClick={handleAddCompany} style={{ width: 88 }} disabled={isDisabled}>
+ 新增
can be extracted into a component called `CompanyList`:
const CompanyList = ({ fields, isDisabled, remove, form, handleAddCompany }) => (
{fields.map(({ key, name, fieldKey, ...restField }, idx) => (
<AddCompany key={key} idx={idx} name={name} fieldKey={fieldKey} isDisabled={isDisabled} restField={restField} remove={remove} form={form} />
<Button className="new-init-btn offset-t20" onClick={handleAddCompany} style={{ width: 88 }} disabled={isDisabled}>
+ 新增
// Usage:
<Form.List name="companyList" shouldUpdate={(prev, cur) => prev.percent !== cur.percent}>
{(fields, { add, remove }) => (
<CompanyList fields={fields} isDisabled={isDisabled} remove={remove} form={form} handleAddCompany={handleAddCompany} />
By extracting the contents of the `Form.List` render prop function into a separate component, the code becomes more modular and easier to read and maintain.
<div class="cart-thead"> <div class="t-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="" id="" class="checkall"> 全选 </div> <div class="t-goods">商品</div> <div class="t-price">单价</div> <div class="t-num">数量</div> <div class="t-sum">小计</div> <div class="t-action">操作</div> </div>改成组件
// CartThead.js
import React from 'react';
function CartThead() {
return (
<div className="cart-thead">
<div className="t-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="" id="" className="checkall" /> 全选
<div className="t-goods">商品</div>
<div className="t-price">单价</div>
<div className="t-num">数量</div>
<div className="t-sum">小计</div>
<div className="t-action">操作</div>
export default CartThead;
然后在其他组件中引入 `CartThead` 组件即可:
// OtherComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import CartThead from './CartThead';
function OtherComponent() {
return (
<CartThead />
{/* 其他内容 */}
export default OtherComponent;