transformation.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisf(theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()));
时间: 2023-07-16 17:12:51 浏览: 156
解释代码Affine3f transform = Affine3f::Identity();//仿射变换矩阵实际上就是:平移向量+旋转变换组合而成,可以同时实现旋转,缩放,平移等空间变换。 float theta = M_PI; // Arc angle //相机拍的图像是倒着的,上下颠倒 // Rotate theta = 180 ° on the X axis transform.rotate(AngleAxisf(theta, Vector3f::UnitX())); // Execute the transformation and save the result in the newly created transformed _ cloud pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_Remove_curtain, *cloud_truing, transform); PointXYZRGB minPt, maxPt; getMinMax3D(*cloud_truing, minPt, maxPt);、
Eigen::Matrix4d gHc = transl(Tcg) * Rcg
// This equation calculates the homogeneous transformation matrix gHc
// which transforms a point in the camera frame to the global frame.
// Tcg is the translation vector from the global frame to the camera frame.
// Rcg is the rotation matrix from the global frame to the camera frame.
// transpose(Rgc) is the inverse rotation matrix from the camera frame to the global frame.
// The multiplication of transl(Tcg) and Rcg(transpose(Rgc)) gives the homogeneous transformation matrix gHc.