给以下Verilog代码写一段quartusii 的miaobiao_vlg_tst测试代码module miaobiao(clk,clr,push,sel,a_g); input clk,clr,push; output[2:0]sel; output[6:0]a_g; wire push1,fdiv_10,clr1,cin2,cin4,cin6; wire[3:0]bcd1,bcd2,bcd3,bcd4,bcd5,bcd6,bcd7,bcd8; switch switchpush(clk,push,push1); switch switchclr(clk,clr,clr1); fdiv10 fdiv(clk,push1,fdiv_10); count100 count100(fdiv_10,clr1,bcd1,bcd2,cin2); count60_1 count60_1(cin2,clr1,bcd3,bcd4,cin4); count60_2 count60_2(cin4,clr1,bcd5,bcd6,cin6); count24 count24(cin6,clr1,bcd7,bcd8); leds leds(clk,bcd1,bcd2,bcd3,bcd4,bcd5,bcd6,bcd7,bcd8,sel,a_g); endmodule
时间: 2023-06-25 22:02:22 浏览: 145
module miaobiao_vlg_tst();
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg clr;
reg push;
// Outputs
wire [2:0] sel;
wire [6:0] a_g;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
miaobiao uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
clr = 0;
push = 0;
// Wait for 100 clock cycles to ensure initialization is complete
// Test case 1: Test that the counter counts up to 24 hours and wraps around
for (int i = 0; i < 24*60*60; i++) begin
// Toggle clock every cycle
clk = ~clk;
// Wait for combinational logic to settle
// Set push to 1 every 10 seconds to simulate seconds counter increment
if (i % 10 == 0)
push = 1;
push = 0;
// Check outputs every clock cycle
if (i % 60 == 0 && i < 24*60*60) begin
// Check that the minutes counter is incrementing by 1 every minute
if (a_g[3:0] != i/60 % 60)
$error("Failed test case 1: Minutes counter not incrementing correctly");
// Check that the hours counter is incrementing by 1 every hour
if (a_g[6:4] != i/3600)
$error("Failed test case 1: Hours counter not incrementing correctly");
// Test case 2: Test that the clear signal resets all counters to 0
clr = 1;
clr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) begin
// Toggle clock every cycle
clk = ~clk;
// Wait for combinational logic to settle
// Check outputs every clock cycle
if (i == 0) begin
// Check that all counters are reset to 0
if (a_g != 7'b0000000)
$error("Failed test case 2: Counters not reset to 0 after clear signal");
$display("All test cases passed");
1. 测试计数器是否能够准确地计算出24小时,并在达到24小时后重新开始计数。
2. 测试清除信号是否能够将所有计数器重置为0。