Computed property
时间: 2023-09-11 11:05:58 浏览: 109
可以理解为一个依赖于其他属性值计算得出的属性。在 JavaScript 中,我们可以使用 getter 和 setter 来实现 computed property。当我们访问一个 computed property 时,实际上是调用了一个 getter 函数,这个函数根据其他属性的值计算得出结果并返回。而当我们设置一个 computed property 时,实际上是调用了一个 setter 函数,这个函数根据我们设置的值计算出其他属性的值并进行赋值。这种方式可以使代码更加简洁、易读,同时也可以提高代码的可维护性和可复用性。
The computed property
A computed property is a property in an object that is not stored as a value, but instead is dynamically computed based on other values in the object or external factors. When the property is accessed, a function is called that calculates the value of the property on the fly. Computed properties are commonly used in JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js and React to create reactive data bindings between elements in the user interface and the underlying data model. For example, a computed property could be used to calculate the total price of a shopping cart based on the prices and quantities of the items in the cart.
Computed property "imgDate" was assigned to but it has no setter. The computed property "imgDate" is already defined as a method.
在JavaScript (特别是Vue.js) 中,"Computed properties"(计算属性)是用来响应式地基于其他数据属性的值动态生成新值的。当你试图将一个非函数赋值给一个已经声明为 `computed` 的 `imgDate` 属性时,这通常是由于误解了它的用途。
通常,计算属性应该定义为返回一个表达式的函数,而不是直接赋值。例如,如果 `imgDate` 需要基于另一个属性(如 `uploadDate`)进行计算,你应该这么写:
data() {
return {
uploadDate: '',
// ...
computed: {
imgDate() {
return new Date(this.uploadDate);
// 或者更复杂的计算
在这个例子中,`imgDate` 就是一个计算属性,它会根据 `uploadDate` 变化而自动更新。如果试图像 `this.imgDate = 'some value';` 这样设置它的值,就会报错,因为它没有对应的 setter 方法来接收外部的设定。