wireshark configuration Nak是什么报文
时间: 2023-10-30 20:06:30 浏览: 133
Nak报文是指通信中发生错误或失败的情况下,接收方向发送方发送一个否定确认(Negative Acknowledgement)的报文。在Wireshark中,Nak报文通常是指TCP协议中的RST(Reset)报文,它表示连接异常终止或者出现错误。Nak报文也可以在其他协议中出现,比如在USB协议中,Nak报文用于指示数据传输失败。在Wireshark中,可以通过过滤器来查找和筛选特定类型的Nak报文。
wireshark configuration Nak
To configure Wireshark to send a Nak message, you need to follow these steps:
1. Open Wireshark and start capturing network traffic.
2. Locate the packet that contains the message you want to send a Nak response to.
3. Right-click on the packet and select "Follow TCP Stream."
4. In the new window that opens, locate the message you want to send a Nak response to.
5. Right-click on the message and select "Copy -> Bytes -> Hex Stream."
6. Close the TCP stream window and go back to the main Wireshark window.
7. Select "Edit -> Preferences" from the menu.
8. In the preferences window, select "Protocols" from the list on the left.
9. Locate the protocol you are using and click on it.
10. Under the protocol settings, locate the "Nak" or "Negative Acknowledgement" option and enable it.
11. Paste the hex stream you copied earlier into the "Nak message" field.
12. Click "OK" to save your changes.
Now, when Wireshark detects a message that matches the one you configured, it will automatically send a Nak response.
1. 打开Wireshark并选择要抓取蓝牙报文的网络接口。在Ubuntu中,可以通过双击bluetooth0接口来启动抓包。
2. 启动蓝牙设备扫描。在Ubuntu设置界面的Bluetooth中,系统会开始扫描蓝牙设备。
3. 在Wireshark中,你将能够看到已经抓取到的蓝牙报文。