this error might show up beause you use argument matchers with method that cannot be mocked
时间: 2024-09-14 08:13:29 浏览: 34
// 错误的部分
User user = mock(UserService.class); // UserService是一个实际类,无法mock
when(user.getUserById(anyInt())).thenReturn(new User());
1. 确定哪些方法是可以替换(mocked)的,哪些是实际需要运行的。
2. 可能的话,重构`UserService`,使其部分方法成为可mock的,或者使用其他测试策略(如Stubs或Spies)。
3. 如果`getUserById`方法的行为是基于真实业务逻辑或外部资源,那么它就不应该被mock,而应直接调用。
How to solve"Job for the docker.service failed beause the control process exited with error code"
There are several potential causes for this error message. The first thing you should do is to check the logs for the Docker service in order to get more information on why it failed. You can do this by running the following command:
sudo journalctl -xe
This will display the system log and highlight any errors related to the Docker service. Depending on the error message, you may need to take different actions. For example, it could be a problem with the Docker configuration or an issue with the Docker daemon.
In general, some things you can try include checking the Docker configuration files, restarting the Docker service, reinstalling Docker or checking if any other services or processes are conflicting with Docker. If you are still having trouble, you may need to seek help from the Docker community or a professional support service.
the request was rejected beause no muitipart boundary was found
这个错误通常是在处理HTTP请求时出现的,是因为请求中缺少了multipart boundary。在HTTP协议中,multipart是指消息体中包含多种类型的数据,每种数据之间需要用boundary进行分割。如果请求中缺少了boundary,服务器就无法正确解析请求,因此会出现该错误。