使用Spark RDD找出所有只打1分以下,且评论次数大于5次的用户
时间: 2024-03-23 21:39:41 浏览: 96
好的,以下是使用Spark RDD找出所有只打1分以下,且评论次数大于5次的用户的步骤:
1. 创建一个SparkContext对象
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("user analysis")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
2. 加载数据文件
data_file = sc.textFile("ratings.csv")
header = data_file.first()
3. 过滤掉文件头,并将每一行数据转换成一个tuple
data = data_file.filter(lambda x: x != header)\
.map(lambda x: tuple(x.split(",")))
4. 使用map和reduceByKey函数来计算每个用户的平均评分和评论次数,并过滤出只打1分以下,且评论次数大于5次的用户
user_rating_count = data.map(lambda x: (x[0], (float(x[2]), 1)))\
.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: (x[0]+y[0], x[1]+y[1]))\
.filter(lambda x: x[1][0]/x[1][1] <= 1.0 and x[1][1] > 5)\
5. 打印结果
print("Users who rated only 1 star and have reviewed more than 5 times:")
for user in user_rating_count:
print(f"User {user[0]} - Average rating: {user[1][0]/user[1][1]}, Review count: {user[1][1]}")