Error in cbind(reliability[, c("index.orig", "training", "test"), drop = FALSE], : number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 6)
时间: 2024-10-27 16:02:57 浏览: 187
这个错误信息是在R语言中处理数据时遇到的问题,它表示在尝试将两个矩阵通过`cbind()`函数合并时出现了问题。"number of rows of matrices must match" 表示这两个矩阵在行数上不匹配。具体来说:
1. 当你试图将`reliability`数据框中的某些特定列(如`"index.orig"`,`"training"`和`"test"`)组合在一起时,发现它们的行数并不相等。
2. 第六个参数(arg 6)通常是指期望的行数一致,但实际操作中矩阵的行数不符合这一期望。
# 查看reliability数据框的行数
# 或者筛选出行数相同的子集
reliability_sub <- reliability[seq_len(min(nrow(reliability[, "index.orig"]), nrow(reliability[, "training"]))), ]
2.Reliability and Maintainability Simulation involves a large number of random variables. The use of dynamic arrays will greatly improve the efficiency of simulation and the scale of problem solving. Please design Vector. This problem requires the implementation of a vector class template, which can realize the storage and access of data. (1) [] operator can only access the existing elements. (2) The add method can automatically expand the internal storage space when accessing. Note that the behavior of this vector is different from that of std:: vector. Function interface definition: template <class T> class Vector { ... } Example of referee test procedure: #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* Todo: write down your code here! */ int main() { Vector<int> vint; int n,m; cin >> n >> m; for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { // add() can inflate the vector automatically vint.add(i); } // get_size() returns the number of elements stored in the vector cout << vint.get_size() << endl; cout << vint[m] << endl; // remove() removes the element at the index which begins from zero vint.remove(m); cout << vint.add(-1) << endl; cout << vint[m] << endl; Vector<int> vv = vint; cout << vv[vv.get_size()-1] << endl; vv.add(m); cout << vint.get_size() << endl; } Input example: 100 50 Output example: 100 50 99 51 -1 100
Here is the implementation of the Vector class template:
template<class T>
class Vector {
T* data; // pointer to the actual data
int capacity; // current capacity of the vector
int size; // current size of the vector
// constructor
Vector() {
data = nullptr;
capacity = 0;
size = 0;
// copy constructor
Vector(const Vector& other) {
capacity = other.capacity;
size = other.size;
data = new T[capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] =[i];
// destructor
~Vector() {
if (data != nullptr) {
delete[] data;
// [] operator for accessing elements
T& operator[](int index) {
if (index >= size) {
throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range");
return data[index];
// add method for adding elements
void add(const T& value) {
if (size == capacity) {
int newCapacity = capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity * 2;
T* newData = new T[newCapacity];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
newData[i] = data[i];
if (data != nullptr) {
delete[] data;
data = newData;
capacity = newCapacity;
data[size++] = value;
// remove method for removing elements
void remove(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range");
for (int i = index; i < size - 1; i++) {
data[i] = data[i + 1];
// get_size method for getting the current size of the vector
int get_size() const {
return size;
In the main function, we first create a Vector object `vint` of type `int`. We read in two integers `n` and `m` from the input, and then use a for loop to add `n` elements to the vector using the `add` method. We then print the size of the vector using the `get_size` method, and print the element at index `m` using the `[]` operator. We then remove the element at index `m` using the `remove` method, and add a new element with value `-1` using the `add` method. We print the new element at index `m` using the `[]` operator. We create a new Vector object `vv` by copying `vint`, and print the last element of `vv` using the `[]` operator. Finally, we add an element with value `m` to `vv`, and print the size of `vint` using the `get_size` method.
I hope this helps!