automatic prompt engineer
时间: 2023-12-18 15:01:23 浏览: 138
prompt engineer
As an AI language model, I can provide you with a few different writing prompts related to the field of engineering. Here are three options to consider:
1. Write a short story about an engineer who invents a machine that can predict earthquakes. What challenges does the engineer face in creating the machine, and how do they overcome them? How does the invention impact the world, and what unexpected consequences arise from its use?
2. Imagine you are an engineer tasked with designing a new mode of transportation that can travel faster than the speed of sound. What factors would you need to consider in the design process, and what materials or technologies might you use? How would you test and validate the design, and what ethical concerns might arise from the creation of such a vehicle?
3. Write a character sketch of an engineer who has dedicated their life to designing sustainable energy solutions. What motivates this engineer, and what obstacles do they face in their work? How do they balance their passion for the environment with the realities of business and politics? What impact do their inventions have on the world, and how do they measure success?
谈到最近热度比较高的prompt engineer,你有什么想说的吗
Prompt engineering是一种新兴的技术,它的目的是通过编写高质量的prompt来提高语言模型的性能。通过prompt engineering,我们可以让模型更好地理解我们想要表达的意思,从而生成更准确、更有用的结果。在实践中,prompt engineering需要一定的技术和语言知识,但是它可以帮助我们更好地利用语言模型的能力,提高模型的效果。