pub fn to_hit_packet(self) -> u64 { let header = 0xB << 60; let toa = (self.toa % HIT_LIMIT) as u64; // get rollovers and convert to unsigned let (tot, col, row): (u64, u64, u64) = (self.tot.into(), self.col.into(), self.row.into()); let pix = ((col % 2) << 2) | (row % 4); // extract pix from row/col let col_bits: u64 = (col - (pix / 4)) << 52; // use pix to find col bits let row_bits: u64 = (row - (pix & 0x3)) << 45; // use pix to find row bits let tot_bits: u64 = ((tot / 25) % 1024) << 20; // 1024 is for large, clustered TOTs let global_time = toa / 409_600_000; // extract "coarse" toa from the global time let remainder = (toa % 409_600_000) / (25_000 / 16); let remainder = remainder - (remainder / 3125); // fix off-by-0.5 error (3125 = 1562.5 * 2) let fta_bit = (!remainder & 0xF) << 16; // extract fine bits let cta_bit = ((remainder & !0xF) >> 4) << 30; // extract course bits header | col_bits | row_bits | (pix << 44) | cta_bit | tot_bits | fta_bit | global_time }

时间: 2024-04-17 07:29:38 浏览: 11
这段代码定义了一个名为 `to_hit_packet` 的函数,用于生成一个 `u64` 类型的命中数据包。 函数内部进行了一系列的位运算和数值操作来计算出命中数据包的值。具体的计算步骤如下: 1. 创建一个 `header` 变量,将 0xB(11 的二进制表示)左移 60 位作为高位标识。 2. 将 `self.toa` 取余 `HIT_LIMIT`,并将结果转换为 `u64` 类型,用于处理溢出情况。 3. 将 `self.tot`、`self.col` 和 `self.row` 分别转换为 `u64` 类型。 4. 通过对 `col` 取余 2 和对 `row` 取余 4 的结果,将得到的像素值 `pix` 提取出来。 5. 根据 `pix` 的值,计算出列位数 `col_bits`(通过减去像素值除以 4)和行位数 `row_bits`(通过减去像素值与 0x3 的结果)。 6. 将 `tot` 除以 25 取余 1024 的结果左移 20 位,并赋给 `tot_bits`。 7. 将 `toa` 除以 409,600,000 得到 "coarse" toa 值,并赋给 `global_time`。 8. 计算余数 `remainder`,首先将 `toa` 对 409,600,000 取余,然后再除以 (25,000 / 16)。 9. 将 `remainder` 减去 `remainder` 除以 3,125 的结果,用于修正误差。 10. 将 `(!remainder & 0xF)` 左移 16 位,并赋给 `fta_bit`,用于提取细位。 11. 将 `((remainder & !0xF) >> 4)` 左移 30 位,并赋给 `cta_bit`,用于提取粗位。 12. 将 `header`、`col_bits`、`row_bits`、`(pix << 44)`、`cta_bit`、`tot_bits`、`fta_bit` 和 `global_time` 进行按位或操作,得到最终的命中数据包结果。 这段代码使用了位运算和数值操作来生成命中数据包的值,具体的计算逻辑可能与特定的应用场景和硬件相关。


Value* ApplyOneValue(int flag = 1)//flag:0代表在hashmap外部申请,1代表在hashmap内部申请 { Value *vl = NULL; if (node_list_head_) { if (value_status_.free_num_ > 1) { ValueNode* tmp = node_list_head_ ; node_list_head_ = node_list_head_->next_node_; tmp->next_node_ = NULL; value_status_.free_num_--; tmp->value_.use_count_ = flag; vl = &(tmp->value_); //return &(tmp->value_); } else { ValueNode* tmp_node = new ValueNode[kDefaultAddSize]; ValueNode* cur_node = tmp_node; if (!tmp_node) { return NULL; } vec_memptr_.push_back(tmp_node); for (uint32_t i = 1; i< kDefaultAddSize; i++) { cur_node->value_.node_ptr_ = (void*)cur_node; cur_node->next_node_ = tmp_node + i; cur_node = cur_node->next_node_; } value_status_.free_num_ += kDefaultAddSize; value_status_.total_size_ += kDefaultAddSize; node_list_head_->next_node_ = tmp_node; node_list_tail_ = cur_node; node_list_tail_->next_node_ = NULL; node_list_tail_->value_.node_ptr_ = (void*)node_list_tail_; ValueNode* tmp = node_list_head_ ; node_list_head_ = node_list_head_->next_node_; tmp->next_node_ = NULL; value_status_.free_num_--; tmp->value_.use_count_ = flag; vl = &(tmp->value_); //return &(tmp->value_); } } if(NULL != vl) { //reverse start; if(rphead && ::is_open_reverse) { rphead->CdrRaw.ncdrid = cdrgetid(rphead->lcoreid); //创建父cdrid; rphead->CdrRaw.tstart.tm_cycles = rphead->tstart.tm_cycles; rphead->CdrRaw.cdrstat = PACKET_BEGIN; rphead->btCurStaus = PACKET_BEGIN; pubSendPkt((void*)rphead); //存储父cdr信息; vl->SetReverse(rphead->CdrRaw.ncdrid, rphead->CdrRaw.tstart.tm_cycles); } //返回; return vl; } return NULL; }代码意思

// TODO(eladalon): Consider using packet.recovered() to avoid processing // recovered packets here. std::unique_ptrForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket FlexfecReceiver::AddReceivedPacket(const RtpPacketReceived& packet) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&sequence_checker_); // RTP packets with a full base header (12 bytes), but without payload, // could conceivably be useful in the decoding. Therefore we check // with a non-strict inequality here. RTC_DCHECK_GE(packet.size(), kRtpHeaderSize); // Demultiplex based on SSRC, and insert into erasure code decoder. std::unique_ptrForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket received_packet( new ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket()); received_packet->seq_num = packet.SequenceNumber(); received_packet->ssrc = packet.Ssrc(); if (received_packet->ssrc == ssrc_) { // This is a FlexFEC packet. if (packet.payload_size() < kMinFlexfecHeaderSize) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Truncated FlexFEC packet, discarding."; return nullptr; } received_packet->is_fec = true; ++packet_counter_.num_fec_packets; // Insert packet payload into erasure code. received_packet->pkt = rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet>( new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet()); received_packet->pkt->data = packet.Buffer().Slice(packet.headers_size(), packet.payload_size()); } else { // This is a media packet, or a FlexFEC packet belonging to some // other FlexFEC stream. if (received_packet->ssrc != protected_media_ssrc_) { return nullptr; } received_packet->is_fec = false; // Insert entire packet into erasure code. // Create a copy and fill with zeros all mutable extensions. received_packet->pkt = rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet>( new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet()); RtpPacketReceived packet_copy(packet); packet_copy.ZeroMutableExtensions(); received_packet->pkt->data = packet_copy.Buffer(); } ++packet_counter_.num_packets; return received_packet; } 各行意义

// TODO(eladalon): Consider using packet.recovered() to avoid processing // recovered packets here. std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket> FlexfecReceiver::AddReceivedPacket(const RtpPacketReceived& packet) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&sequence_checker_); // RTP packets with a full base header (12 bytes), but without payload, // could conceivably be useful in the decoding. Therefore we check // with a non-strict inequality here. RTC_DCHECK_GE(packet.size(), kRtpHeaderSize); // Demultiplex based on SSRC, and insert into erasure code decoder. std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket> received_packet( new ForwardErrorCorrection::ReceivedPacket()); received_packet->seq_num = packet.SequenceNumber(); received_packet->ssrc = packet.Ssrc(); if (received_packet->ssrc == ssrc_) { // This is a FlexFEC packet. if (packet.payload_size() < kMinFlexfecHeaderSize) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Truncated FlexFEC packet, discarding."; return nullptr; } received_packet->is_fec = true; ++packet_counter_.num_fec_packets; // Insert packet payload into erasure code. received_packet->pkt = rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet>( new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet()); received_packet->pkt->data = packet.Buffer().Slice(packet.headers_size(), packet.payload_size()); } else { // This is a media packet, or a FlexFEC packet belonging to some // other FlexFEC stream. if (received_packet->ssrc != protected_media_ssrc_) { return nullptr; } received_packet->is_fec = false; // Insert entire packet into erasure code. // Create a copy and fill with zeros all mutable extensions. received_packet->pkt = rtc::scoped_refptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet>( new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet()); RtpPacketReceived packet_copy(packet); packet_copy.ZeroMutableExtensions(); received_packet->pkt->data = packet_copy.Buffer(); } ++packet_counter_.num_packets; return received_packet; }










管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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SPDK_NVMF_DISCOVERY_NQN 是 SPDK (Storage Performance Development Kit) 中用于查询 NVMf (Non-Volatile Memory express over Fabrics) 存储设备名称的协议。NVMf 是一种基于网络的存储协议,可用于连接远程非易失性内存存储器。 SPDK_NVMF_DISCOVERY_NQN 的作用是让存储应用程序能够通过 SPDK 查询 NVMf 存储设备的名称,以便能够访问这些存储设备。通过查询 NVMf 存储设备名称,存储应用程序可以获取必要的信息,例如存储设备的IP地址、端口号、名称等,以便能

JSBSim Reference Manual



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Windows 运行Python脚本

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