lua报错10:49:09.048 [Fatal][InitLib:57] 1192, nil nil error! UI/Work/UIProductionMain:375: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: InitLib:224: in field 'fatal' InitLib:57: in metamethod '__index' UI/Work/UIProductionMain:375: in function 'UI/Work/UIProductionMain.OnRefreshGuide' UI/Work/UIProductionMain:368: in function 'UI/Work/UIProductionMain.HandleCanProdList' UI/Work/UIProductionMain:350: in function 'UI/Work/UIProductionMain.OnSwitchLvTab' Common/UI/UIList:275: in function 'Common/UI/UIList.OnTouchItem' Common/UI/UIList:303: in function 'Common/UI/UIList.TouchIndex' UI/Work/UIProductionMain:121: in function 'UI/Work/UIProductionMain.OnEnter' [C]: in function 'xpcall' InitLib:63: in function 'xpcall_0' UI/Common/UIManager:141: in function 'UI/Common/UIManager.EnterPanel' UI/Common/UIManager:114: in function 'UI/Common/UIManager.OpenPanel' UI/Common/UIManager:204: in upvalue 'LoadedCB' UI/Common/UIManager:610: in function <UI/Common/UIManager:574> UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)什么意思
时间: 2024-01-29 12:02:14 浏览: 109
这个报错信息是指在运行程序时,Lua尝试对一个空值(nil value)进行操作,导致程序崩溃。具体来说,报错信息中指出在UI/Work/UIProductionMain的375行出现了错误,尝试对一个空值进行索引操作。
FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:115: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'd_next_o_id' (a nil value) (last message repeated 2 times) FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:353: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value ALERT: attempt to fetch row from an empty result set FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:325: attempt to index global 'row' (a nil value) FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:115: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'd_next_o_id' (a nil value) FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:353: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value ALERT: attempt to fetch row from an empty result set FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:353: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:325: attempt to index global 'row' (a nil value) ALERT: attempt to fetch row from an empty result set FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:325: attempt to index global 'row' (a nil value) FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:353: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value ALERT: attempt to fetch row from an empty result set FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: ./tpcc_run.lua:325: attempt to index global 'row' (a nil value)怎么解决
这段错误信息看起来是来自一个名为 tpcc_run.lua 的 Lua 脚本。其中的错误包括尝试在一个空值上进行算术运算,尝试从一个空结果集中获取行等等。要解决这些错误,你需要检查代码并确定哪些变量或值为空或未定义,然后进行必要的检查和处理。这可能需要对代码进行逐行分析和调试,以确定问题的确切原因。建议你仔细检查代码并使用调试器或其他工具来帮助你找到问题所在。
FATAL: `thread_run' function failed: /sysbench-tpcc/tpcc.lua:57: attempt to call a nil value