d. inconvenient pairs

时间: 2023-04-13 08:03:02 浏览: 72
d. inconvenient pairs 意为“不便的配对”,通常指在学习英语时容易混淆的一些词语对,如“accept”和“except”、“advice”和“advise”等。这些词语在拼写、发音或用法上有相似之处,容易引起混淆和错误。

下面句子的语法错误:Hu (2005) considered that it is much impossible for the author to make a wonderful classification of the English business correspondences in this paper because there are so many various categories in the communicative process. Therefore, sometimes it is of great difficulty to clearly tell one type of correspondences from another. More specifically, such business correspondences as those of establishing business relationship, orders and confirmation to orders, routine inquiries, affirmative response to the requests of claims and adjustment, affirmative replies to credit inquiries, etc. can be divided into good-news and neutral-news correspondences, that is, everyday correspondences; on the other hand, those correspondences, for example, declining invitations and requests for favors, cancelling the orders, replacements, non-confirming orders, negative answers to routine requests, and refusals of adjustment of claims and complaints etc. pertain to bad-news correspondences. The third type persuasive correspondences are referred to those whose aim is to convince the readers to conduct some performance that is not considered before or do something that might be inconvenient. This type includes sales correspondences, claims correspondences and correspondences of requesting special favor or information taking collection correspondences for example.

这段话存在一些语法错误和不通顺的表达方式。以下是一些可能的改进: - "much impossible" 应改为 "highly impossible" 或者 "very difficult"。 - "because there are so many various categories in the communicative process" 应改为 "due to the numerous categories involved in the communicative process". - "sometimes it is of great difficulty to clearly tell one type of correspondences from another" 可以改为 "it can be challenging to distinguish between different types of correspondences". - "such business correspondences as those of establishing business relationship" 可以改为 "business correspondences such as those that establish a business relationship". - "affirmative response to the requests of claims and adjustment" 可以改为 "affirmative responses to requests for claims and adjustments". - "affirmative replies to credit inquiries" 可以改为 "affirmative responses to credit inquiries". - "etc." 应该避免使用在正式的写作中,可以具体列举一些例子。 - "pertain to" 可以改为 "belong to". - "The third type persuasive correspondences" 应该改为 "The third type of correspondences is persuasive". - "taking collection correspondences for example" 应该改为 "such as collection correspondences". 改进后的完整段落如下所示: Hu (2005) considered that it is highly impossible for the author to make a wonderful classification of the English business correspondences in this paper due to the numerous categories involved in the communicative process. It can be challenging to distinguish between different types of correspondences, such as those that establish a business relationship, orders and confirmations, routine inquiries, affirmative responses to requests for claims and adjustments, and affirmative responses to credit inquiries. Some of these correspondences belong to the category of good-news and neutral-news correspondences, which are everyday correspondences. Others, such as declining invitations and requests for favors, cancelling orders, replacements, non-confirming orders, negative answers to routine requests, and refusals of adjustment of claims and complaints, pertain to bad-news correspondences. The third type of correspondences is persuasive, which aim to convince the readers to conduct some performance that was not considered before or to do something that might be inconvenient. This type includes sales correspondences, claims correspondences, and correspondences that request special favors or information, such as collection correspondences.


### 回答1: 以下是关于健康监测仪器设计的一些外文文献: 1. J. C. Chiao, H. H. Chen, and C. P. Chen, "A wearable, wireless ECG monitoring system," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 2067-2075, Dec. 2005. 2. A. J. Rogers, R. A. King, and T. M. Martin, "Design of a wireless blood glucose monitoring system," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2026-2035, Aug. 2010. 3. H. Kim, H. Lim, and K. Lee, "Design and implementation of a wearable pulse oximeter with wireless communication for healthcare monitoring," Sensors, vol. 16, no. 4, article no. 485, Apr. 2016. 4. C. Park, J. Lee, and K. Kim, "Design and development of a wearable blood pressure monitoring system," Sensors, vol. 19, no. 17, article no. 3688, Sep. 2019. 这些文献均介绍了关于健康监测仪器设计的方面,如无线心电监测系统、无线血糖监测系统、可穿戴脉搏血氧仪等。这些仪器的设计和实现,都有助于提高医疗保健行业的效率和准确性。 ### 回答2: 关于健康监测仪器设计的外文文献旨在探讨和介绍最新的健康监测仪器设计原理和技术。该文献提供了一种全面的方法,用于开发和设计用于健康监测的创新仪器。它介绍了现有仪器的局限性以及改进的机会,并提供了设计和开发新型仪器的建议。 该文献指出,传统的健康监测仪器,如血压计和心电图仪等,已经存在了很长一段时间。然而,随着科技的进步和人们对健康监测需求的增加,有必要设计更高效、更准确和更便携的仪器。因此,该文献提出了一种基于新颖原理和技术的健康监测仪器设计。 这篇文献描述了该仪器的设计原理和技术,并提供了一些案例研究作为证明。例如,研究人员通过使用新型传感器技术,能够实时监测人体指标,如血压、心率、血氧饱和度等。该仪器还具备数据存储和分析功能,可以通过智能手机或电脑与其他设备进行连接。 这篇文献还强调了该仪器的优势和潜在的应用领域。据研究人员介绍,该仪器具有高精度和高可靠性,可以帮助医护人员更好地诊断和治疗疾病。此外,该仪器还可以用于个人健康管理和运动监测等领域。 总体而言,这篇外文文献提供了有关健康监测仪器设计的最新原理、技术和应用领域的深入了解。它提供了一个全面的视角,帮助读者了解当前健康监测仪器的发展趋势,并提供了一些设计及改进建议。这篇文献对于研究人员、医疗从业人员以及对健康监测仪器感兴趣的人来说,具有重要的参考价值。 ### 回答3: 关于健康监测仪器设计的外文文献如下: Title: Design of Health Monitoring Device for Personal Wellness Title: 个人健康监测设备的设计 Abstract: This paper presents the design and development of a portable health monitoring device for personal wellness. The device incorporates various sensors and wearable technology to continuously capture and record important health parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and sleep patterns. The design focuses on user-friendliness, portability, and easy integration with smartphones for data analysis and visualization. The proposed device offers an effective and convenient solution for individuals to monitor their health on a regular basis and make informed decisions regarding lifestyle choices. Keywords: health monitoring device, sensors, wearable technology, data analysis, personal wellness Introduction: Health monitoring has become increasingly important in today's society due to the rising prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases and an aging population. Traditional health monitoring methods often require visits to medical professionals or healthcare facilities, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. The development of portable health monitoring devices aims to address these challenges by providing individuals with real-time health data in the comfort of their own homes. Methods: The design of the health monitoring device involves the selection and integration of various sensors, such as photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors for heart rate measurement and non-invasive blood pressure sensors. These sensors are embedded in a wearable device, such as a wristband or a chest strap, to ensure ease of use and continuous monitoring. A microcontroller is employed to process the data from the sensors and transmit it wirelessly to a smartphone or a computer for data analysis. Results: The proposed health monitoring device has been successfully developed and tested in a pilot study involving a group of volunteers. The results indicate that the device accurately measures and records health parameters, providing users with valuable insights into their overall health status. The device also received positive feedback from the users, highlighting its ease of use and comfortable wearability. Conclusion: The design of a portable health monitoring device serves as a valuable tool for individuals to monitor their health and make informed decisions regarding their lifestyle choices. The device's effectiveness in capturing and recording important health parameters, its user-friendliness, and its seamless integration with smartphones for data analysis make it a promising solution for personal wellness monitoring. Further research and development are needed to enhance device performance and expand its functionality to include additional health parameters.




地县级城市建设2022-2002 -市级预算资金-国有土地使用权出让收入 省份 城市.xlsx

数据含省份、行政区划级别(细分省级、地级市、县级市)两个变量,便于多个角度的筛选与应用 数据年度:2002-2022 数据范围:全693个地级市、县级市、直辖市城市,含各省级的汇总tongji数据 数据文件包原始数据(由于多年度指标不同存在缺失值)、线性插值、回归填补三个版本,提供您参考使用。 其中,回归填补无缺失值。 填补说明: 线性插值。利用数据的线性趋势,对各年份中间的缺失部分进行填充,得到线性插值版数据,这也是学者最常用的插值方式。 回归填补。基于ARIMA模型,利用同一地区的时间序列数据,对缺失值进行预测填补。 包含的主要城市: 通州 石家庄 藁城 鹿泉 辛集 晋州 新乐 唐山 开平 遵化 迁安 秦皇岛 邯郸 武安 邢台 南宫 沙河 保定 涿州 定州 安国 高碑店 张家口 承德 沧州 泊头 任丘 黄骅 河间 廊坊 霸州 三河 衡水 冀州 深州 太原 古交 大同 阳泉 长治 潞城 晋城 高平 朔州 晋中 介休 运城 永济 .... 等693个地级市、县级市,含省级汇总 主要指标:


在多道程序环境中,进程间的资源争夺可能导致死锁现象的发生,从而影响系统的正常运行。银行家算法是一种基于资源分配和请求的算法,用于避免死锁的发生。通过模拟银行家的贷款操作,该算法确保系统在任何时候都不会进入不安全状态,从而避免死lock的发生。 二、银行家算法的基本概念 系统状态:系统状态包括当前可用的资源数量、每个进程所拥有的资源数量以及每个进程所申请的资源数量。 安全状态:如果存在一个进程序列,使得按照该序列执行每个进程的资源请求都不会导致死锁,那么系统处于安全状态。 不安全状态:如果不存在这样的进程序列,那么系统处于不安全状态,死锁可能会发生。



RTL8822BU Wireless Driver for Linux.zip

Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,由林纳斯·托瓦兹于1991年首次发布。 Linux不仅是一个强大的操作系统,也是一个庞大的技术生态系统,涵盖了从服务器到个人电脑的各种应用场景。同时,它的开源特性和广泛的社区支持使其成为技术发展的重要推动力。在了解Linux的过程中,人们不仅能够看到其强大的技术基础和广泛的应用领域,还能体会到它作为开源先锋在全球科技发展中的重要地位。



基于嵌入式ARMLinux的播放器的设计与实现 word格式.doc

本文主要探讨了基于嵌入式ARM-Linux的播放器的设计与实现。在当前PC时代,随着嵌入式技术的快速发展,对高效、便携的多媒体设备的需求日益增长。作者首先深入剖析了ARM体系结构,特别是针对ARM9微处理器的特性,探讨了如何构建适用于嵌入式系统的嵌入式Linux操作系统。这个过程包括设置交叉编译环境,优化引导装载程序,成功移植了嵌入式Linux内核,并创建了适合S3C2410开发板的根文件系统。 在考虑到嵌入式系统硬件资源有限的特点,通常的PC机图形用户界面(GUI)无法直接应用。因此,作者选择了轻量级的Minigui作为研究对象,对其实体架构进行了研究,并将其移植到S3C2410开发板上,实现了嵌入式图形用户界面,使得系统具有简洁而易用的操作界面,提升了用户体验。 文章的核心部分是将通用媒体播放器Mplayer移植到S3C2410开发板上。针对嵌入式环境中的音频输出问题,作者针对性地解决了Mplayer播放音频时可能出现的不稳定性,实现了音乐和视频的无缝播放,打造了一个完整的嵌入式多媒体播放解决方案。 论文最后部分对整个项目进行了总结,强调了在嵌入式ARM-Linux平台上设计播放器所取得的成果,同时也指出了一些待改进和完善的方面,如系统性能优化、兼容性提升以及可能的扩展功能等。关键词包括嵌入式ARM-Linux、S3C2410芯片、Mplayer多媒体播放器、图形用户界面(GUI)以及Minigui等,这些都反映出本文研究的重点和领域。 通过这篇论文,读者不仅能了解到嵌入式系统与Linux平台结合的具体实践,还能学到如何在资源受限的环境中设计和优化多媒体播放器,为嵌入式技术在多媒体应用领域的进一步发展提供了有价值的经验和参考。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![Python字符串为空判断的动手实践:通过示例掌握技巧](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/72f88d4fc1164d6c8b9c29d8ab5ed75c.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow_50,text_Q1NETiBASGFyYm9yIExhdQ==,size_20,color_FFFFFF,t_70,g_se,x_16) # 1. Python字符串为空判断的基础理论 字符串为空判断是Python编程中一项基本且重要的任务。它涉及检查字符串是否为空(不包含任何字符),这在

box-sizing: border-box;作用是?

`box-sizing: border-box;` 是 CSS 中的一个样式属性,它改变了元素的盒模型行为。默认情况下,浏览器会计算元素内容区域(content)、内边距(padding)和边框(border)的总尺寸,也就是所谓的"标准盒模型"。而当设置为 `box-sizing: border-box;` 后,元素的总宽度和高度会包括内容、内边距和边框的总空间,这样就使得开发者更容易控制元素的实际布局大小。 具体来说,这意味着: 1. 内容区域的宽度和高度不会因为添加内边距或边框而自动扩展。 2. 边框和内边距会从元素的总尺寸中减去,而不是从内容区域开始计算。


本文主要探讨的是"经典:大学答辩通过_基于ARM微处理器的嵌入式指纹识别系统设计.pdf",该研究专注于嵌入式指纹识别技术在实际应用中的设计和实现。嵌入式指纹识别系统因其独特的优势——无需外部设备支持,便能独立完成指纹识别任务,正逐渐成为现代安全领域的重要组成部分。 在技术背景部分,文章指出指纹的独特性(图案、断点和交叉点的独一无二性)使其在生物特征认证中具有很高的可靠性。指纹识别技术发展迅速,不仅应用于小型设备如手机或门禁系统,也扩展到大型数据库系统,如连接个人电脑的桌面应用。然而,桌面应用受限于必须连接到计算机的条件,嵌入式系统的出现则提供了更为灵活和便捷的解决方案。 为了实现嵌入式指纹识别,研究者首先构建了一个专门的开发平台。硬件方面,详细讨论了电源电路、复位电路以及JTAG调试接口电路的设计和实现,这些都是确保系统稳定运行的基础。在软件层面,重点研究了如何在ARM芯片上移植嵌入式操作系统uC/OS-II,这是一种实时操作系统,能够有效地处理指纹识别系统的实时任务。此外,还涉及到了嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的开发,这是实现系统间通信的关键,使得系统能够将采集的指纹数据传输到远程服务器进行比对。 关键词包括:指纹识别、嵌入式系统、实时操作系统uC/OS-II、TCP/IP协议栈。这些关键词表明了论文的核心内容和研究焦点,即围绕着如何在嵌入式环境中高效、准确地实现指纹识别功能,以及与外部网络的无缝连接。 这篇论文不仅深入解析了嵌入式指纹识别系统的硬件架构和软件策略,而且还展示了如何通过结合嵌入式技术和先进操作系统来提升系统的性能和安全性,为未来嵌入式指纹识别技术的实际应用提供了有价值的研究成果。