这个是什么意思呢 :ansible -i ~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zhongbao6 fsm -m shell -a "tail /data/ucp/ipcc/logs/media/fsm/freeswitch.log"
时间: 2023-10-04 17:14:39 浏览: 182
这是一个使用Ansible命令行工具在主机组"~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zhongbao6"中执行命令的命令。命令为"tail /data/ucp/ipcc/logs/media/fsm/freeswitch.log",使用"shell"模块执行。该命令将在"fsm"主机组中运行。它将输出"freeswitch.log"文件的末尾内容。
ansible -i ~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zhongbao6 fsm -m shell -a "tail /data/ucp/ipcc/logs/media/fsm/freeswitch.log"
Sorry, as a language model AI, I don't have access to your system and resources. However, I can explain to you the meaning of the command you have provided.
The command is using Ansible to run a shell command on a group of hosts specified in the inventory file located at ~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zhongbao6. The command being run is "tail /data/ucp/ipcc/logs/media/fsm/freeswitch.log" which will print the last few lines of the specified log file. The group of hosts being targeted is 'fsm'.
ansible -i ~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zq_ha scc -m shell -a "cd /home/ucp/ipcc/scc/conf/ && diff SCC.xml SCC.xml.bak20230328"
&& ls -l"
This Ansible command will execute a shell command on the host group "scc" which is defined in the inventory file located at "~/hosts_jzyw/hosts_zq_ha". The shell command to be executed is "cd /home/ucp/ipcc/scc/conf/ && ls -l" which changes the current directory to "/home/ucp/ipcc/scc/conf/" and lists the files in the directory using the "ls -l" command.