thymeleaf if else
时间: 2023-07-08 13:52:46 浏览: 165
Thymeleaf的if else语句可以在满足条件时展示一段内容,否则展示另一段内容。if else的语法为:`th:if="${condition}"`和`th:unless="${condition}"`,其中,`th:if`表示如果条件成立,展示该标签内容,`th:unless`表示如果条件不成立,展示该标签内容。例如:
<div th:if="${user.isAdmin}">
<p>Welcome, admin!</p>
<div th:unless="${user.isAdmin}">
<p>Welcome, user!</p>
如果user对象的isAdmin属性为true,则会展示Welcome, admin!这段文本,否则会展示Welcome, user!这段文本。如果想要实现if else if的功能,可以使用Thymeleaf的switch语句。
thymeleaf html if else
Thymeleaf provides conditional statements like `if` and `else` to handle conditional rendering of HTML elements.
Here's an example of using `if` and `else` in Thymeleaf:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
<title>Conditional Rendering with Thymeleaf</title>
<div th:if="${user.isAdmin}">
<h1>Welcome Admin!</h1>
<div th:else>
<h1>Welcome User!</h1>
In the above example, if the `user.isAdmin` is true, then the `h1` tag inside the first `div` will be rendered. Otherwise, the `h1` tag inside the second `div` will be rendered.
You can also use the shorthand notation for the `if` statement as shown below:
<div th:if="${user.isAdmin}">Welcome Admin!</div>
This will render the `div` tag with the "Welcome Admin!" text only if the `user.isAdmin` is true.
thymeleaf在html写if else
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
<title>Thymeleaf If Example</title>
<h1 th:if="${user.isAdmin()}">Admin Dashboard</h1>
<h1 th:unless="${user.isAdmin()}">User Dashboard</h1>
在上面的示例中,如果`user`对象的`isAdmin()`方法返回`true`,则显示“Admin Dashboard”,否则显示“User Dashboard”。`th:if`和`th:unless`属性可以用于任何HTML元素,并且可以嵌套在其他Thymeleaf属性中。