详细解释这段代码while costmax<costmin%满足条件costmax增加到min [costmax, S] = costgraph(KH,stepmax,desc,SigmaNew); if costmax<costmin costmin = costmax; SigmaNew = SigmaNew + stepmax * desc; %------------------------------- % Numerical cleaning %------------------------------- % SigmaNew(find(abs(SigmaNew<option.numericalprecision)))=0; % SigmaNew=SigmaNew/sum(SigmaNew); % SigmaNew =SigmaP; % project descent direction in the new admissible cone % keep the same direction of descent while cost decrease %desc = desc .* ( (SigmaNew>0) | (desc>0) ) ; desc = desc .* ( (SigmaNew>option.numericalprecision)|(desc>0)); desc(coord) = - sum(desc([[1:coord-1] [coord+1:end]])); ind = find(desc<0); if ~isempty(ind) stepmax = min(-(SigmaNew(ind))./desc(ind)); deltmax = stepmax; costmax = 0; else stepmax = 0; deltmax = 0; end end end
时间: 2023-12-27 17:03:04 浏览: 128
这段代码是一个循环,其中的条件为 `costmax<costmin`。如果满足这个条件,那么就会执行循环体内的代码,同时将 `costmax` 的值增加到 `costmin`。接下来,会调用 `costgraph()` 函数并传入参数,该函数会返回两个值,分别是 `costmax` 和 `S`。如果 `costmax` 小于 `costmin`,那么就将 `costmin` 的值更新为 `costmax`,并将 `SigmaNew` 的值增加到 `stepmax * desc`。接下来的代码是进行数值清理和投影操作,以确保结果仍在可接受的范围内。最后,根据 `desc` 的值计算步长 `stepmax`,然后更新 `deltmax` 和 `costmax` 的值。如果 `desc` 的值小于 0,则设置 `stepmax` 和 `deltmax` 的值为 0。如果不是,则计算 `stepmax` 和 `deltmax` 的值,并将 `costmax` 的值设置为 0。循环会一直执行,直到 `costmax` 不再小于 `costmin`。
详细解释这段代码function [Sigma,S,CostNew] = graphupdate(KH,Sigma,GradNew,CostNew,option) gold = (sqrt(5)+1)/2 ; SigmaNew = SigmaInit= Sigma ; NormGrad = sum(abs(GradNew)); CostOld=CostNew=GradNew/NormGrad; [val,coord] = max(SigmaNew) ; GradNew = GradNew - GradNew(coord); desc = - GradNew.* ( (SigmaNew>0) | (GradNew<0) ); desc(coord) = - sum(desc); stepmin = 0; costmin = CostOld; costmax = 0; ind = find(desc<0); stepmax = min(-(SigmaNew(ind))./desc(ind)); deltmax = stepmax; if isempty(stepmax) || stepmax==0 Sigma = SigmaNew; return end if stepmax > 0.1 stepmax=0.1; end while costmax<costmin [costmax, S] = costgraph(KH,stepmax,desc,SigmaNew); if costmax<costmin costmin = costmax; SigmaNew = SigmaNew + stepmax * desc; desc = desc .* ( (SigmaNew>option.numericalprecision)|(desc>0)); desc(coord) = - sum(desc([[1:coord-1] [coord+1:end]])); ind = find(desc<0); if ~isempty(ind) stepmax = min(-(SigmaNew(ind))./desc(ind)); deltmax = stepmax; costmax = 0; else stepmax = 0; deltmax = 0; end end end Step = [stepmin stepmax]; Cost = [costmin costmax]; [val,coord] = min(Cost); while (stepmax-stepmin)>option.goldensearch_deltmax*(abs(deltmax)) && stepmax > eps stepmedr = stepmin+(stepmax-stepmin)/gold; stepmedl = stepmin+(stepmedr-stepmin)/gold; [costmedr, S1] = costgraph(KH,stepmedr,desc,SigmaNew); [costmedl, S2] = costgraph(KH,stepmedl,desc,SigmaNew); Step = [stepmin stepmedl stepmedr stepmax]; Cost = [costmin costmedl costmedr costmax]; [val,coord] = min(Cost); switch coord case 1 stepmax = stepmedl; costmax = costmedl; S = S2; case 2 stepmax = stepmedr; costmax = costmedr; S = S2; case 3 stepmin = stepmedl; costmin = costmedl; S = S2; case 4 stepmin = stepmedr; costmin = costmedr; S = S1; end end
- KH: 图的邻接矩阵;
- Sigma: 布局矩阵,即每个点在二维空间中的坐标;
- GradNew: 梯度向量,表示当前布局的梯度;
- CostNew: 当前布局的代价;
- option: 控制图更新算法的参数。
1. 初始化SigmaNew为当前布局,SigmaInit为当前布局的备份。
2. 找到SigmaNew中的最大值和对应的坐标coord,将GradNew中在该坐标上的梯度从GradNew中减去,以避免在该坐标方向上的更新。
3. 计算更新方向desc,其中对于SigmaNew中小于等于0的元素,不需要在该维度上进行更新;对于GradNew中小于0的元素,也不需要在该维度上进行更新。
4. 设置stepmin和stepmax为合适的初值,并计算在stepmax处的代价costmax和在stepmin处的代价costmin。如果desc中没有小于0的元素,则返回SigmaNew作为更新后的布局。
5. 在[stepmin, stepmax]区间内使用黄金分割法寻找代价最小的更新步长。具体而言,算法将该区间分成左右两个子区间,计算在每个子区间的中点处的代价,然后选择代价更小的子区间继续寻找。这个过程一直进行,直到更新步长的变化量小于设定的阈值goldensearch_deltmax或者步长stepmax小于一个极小值eps。
6. 最后返回更新后的布局矩阵Sigma、更新后的代价CostNew和更新后的图S。
function [Sigma,S,CostNew] = graphupdate(KH,Sigma,GradNew,CostNew,option) gold = (sqrt(5)+1)/2 ; SigmaNew = SigmaInit= Sigma ; NormGrad = sum(abs(GradNew)); CostOld=CostNew=GradNew/NormGrad; [val,coord] = max(SigmaNew) ; GradNew = GradNew - GradNew(coord); desc = - GradNew.* ( (SigmaNew>0) | (GradNew<0) ); desc(coord) = - sum(desc); stepmin = 0; costmin = CostOld; costmax = 0; ind = find(desc<0); stepmax = min(-(SigmaNew(ind))./desc(ind)); deltmax = stepmax; if isempty(stepmax) || stepmax==0 Sigma = SigmaNew; return end if stepmax > 0.1 stepmax=0.1; end while costmax<costmin [costmax, S] = costgraph(KH,stepmax,desc,SigmaNew); if costmax<costmin costmin = costmax; SigmaNew = SigmaNew + stepmax * desc; desc = desc .* ( (SigmaNew>option.numericalprecision)|(desc>0)); desc(coord) = - sum(desc([[1:coord-1] [coord+1:end]])); ind = find(desc<0); if ~isempty(ind) stepmax = min(-(SigmaNew(ind))./desc(ind)); deltmax = stepmax; costmax = 0; else stepmax = 0; deltmax = 0; end end end Step = [stepmin stepmax]; Cost = [costmin costmax]; [val,coord] = min(Cost); while (stepmax-stepmin)>option.goldensearch_deltmax*(abs(deltmax)) && stepmax > eps stepmedr = stepmin+(stepmax-stepmin)/gold; stepmedl = stepmin+(stepmedr-stepmin)/gold; [costmedr, S1] = costgraph(KH,stepmedr,desc,SigmaNew); [costmedl, S2] = costgraph(KH,stepmedl,desc,SigmaNew); Step = [stepmin stepmedl stepmedr stepmax]; Cost = [costmin costmedl costmedr costmax]; [val,coord] = min(Cost); switch coord case 1 stepmax = stepmedl; costmax = costmedl; S = S2; case 2 stepmax = stepmedr; costmax = costmedr; S = S2; case 3 stepmin = stepmedl; costmin = costmedl; S = S2; case 4 stepmin = stepmedr; costmin = costmedr; S = S1; end end