react string 转double
时间: 2023-06-09 15:03:04 浏览: 120
您可以使用 JavaScript 中的内置函数将字符串转换为 double 类型。以下是示例代码:
const str = "3.14";
const num = parseFloat(str); // 将字符串转换为数值类型
console.log(num); // 输出 3.14,类型为 double
解释一下,`parseFloat()` 是一个 JavaScript 内置函数,它将一个字符串解析成一个浮点数。在上面的示例中,我们将字符串 `"3.14"` 传递给 `parseFloat()` 函数,并将返回值存储在 `num` 变量中。`console.log()` 函数用于在控制台输出结果。
type IActiveKey = 'http' | 'dns' | 'ping' | 'tracetroute'; interface IContext{ activeKey: IActiveKey; } const context: IContext = { activeKey: ‘http’ } 帮我更正一下这段react-ts的代码
Sure, here's the corrected React-TS code:
type IActiveKey = 'http' | 'dns' | 'ping' | 'traceroute';
interface IContext {
activeKey: IActiveKey;
const context: IContext = {
activeKey: 'http'
The correction includes:
- Fixing the quotation marks around the string value for `activeKey` to use straight single or double quotes (`'` or `"`), as opposed to curly quotes (`‘` or `’`).
- Correcting the spelling of `traceroute` to `traceroute` in the type definition for `IActiveKey`.