SyntaxError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'
时间: 2024-09-09 20:14:46 浏览: 90
这个错误信息表明你在JavaScript代码中使用了`import`和`export`语句,但是你的代码文件并没有被配置为一个ES6模块。在ES6(ECMAScript 2015)规范中,`import`和`export`是用来处理模块化编程的关键语法,但是它们只能在模块文件中使用,而不能在普通的脚本文件中使用。
在某些JavaScript运行环境中(比如Node.js),如果你想要使用`import`和`export`语句,你需要确保你的代码文件被标记为模块,并且需要指定`"type": "module"`在你的`package.json`文件中或者在Node.js中直接在文件顶部添加`#.ecmascript-version 2015`。例如:
// #ecmascript-version 2015
"type": "module",
SyntaxError: The requested module /src/asstes/image/menu.png?import does not provide an export named menuUrl
This error message indicates that there is an issue with the syntax of the code or with the module import. The module specified in the code is not providing an export named "menuUrl", which the code is expecting.
To resolve this error, you can check the module code to ensure that it is exporting the correct variables or functions. You can also check the code that is importing the module to make sure it is referencing the correct export. Additionally, check for any typos or syntax errors in the code.