时间: 2024-06-04 14:14:06 浏览: 116
java.util.Arrays is a class in Java that provides various utility methods for working with arrays. It contains methods for sorting, searching, comparing, and filling arrays. Some of the commonly used methods in this class include:
1. sort(): This method sorts the elements of an array in ascending order.
2. binarySearch(): This method searches for a specified element in an array using the binary search algorithm.
3. equals(): This method compares two arrays for equality.
4. fill(): This method fills an array with a specified value.
5. copyOf(): This method creates a copy of an array with a specified length.
6. toString(): This method returns a string representation of an array.
7. asList(): This method returns a List object containing the elements of an array.
The java.util.Arrays class is commonly used in Java programming to perform operations on arrays, such as sorting, searching, and copying.