AttributeError: 'PdfReadAttributeError: 'PdfReader' object has no attribute 'delete_pages' er' object has no attribute 'delete_pages'
时间: 2024-06-05 07:04:56 浏览: 154
AttributeError: 'PdfReader' object has no attribute 'delete_pages' 这个错误意味着你正在尝试访问一个PDF阅读器对象中不存在的属性 delete_pages。可能是因为该属性不存在于该对象中,或者该属性名称拼写错误。建议您检查一下代码,确保属性名称正确并且确实存在于该对象中。
如果您需要删除PDF中的页面,可以考虑使用 PyPDF2 或 PyMuPDF 库,这些库提供了删除页面的方法。您可以通过安装这些库并按照其文档中的指示操作来实现删除页面的操作。
AttributeError: 'PdfReader' object has no attribute 'get_text'
AttributeError: 'PdfReader' object has no attribute 'get_length'
This error suggests that the PdfReader object you are using does not have a method called 'get_length'.
Possible reasons for this error could be:
1. You are using an outdated version of the PdfReader library that does not support the 'get_length' method.
2. You have misspelled the method name or used incorrect syntax.
3. The PdfReader object you are using is not initialized properly.
To resolve this error, you may need to check the documentation of the PdfReader library to see if the 'get_length' method is supported or not. Alternatively, you can try using a different method or approach to achieve your goal.