时间: 2023-03-28 12:04:27 浏览: 116
1. 定义结构体来存储图书信息,包括书名、作者、出版社、出版日期、ISBN号码等。
2. 定义函数来实现添加、删除、修改和查询图书信息的功能。
3. 使用文件来存储图书信息,可以使用文本文件或二进制文件。
4. 实现用户登录和权限管理功能,以确保只有授权用户才能对图书信息进行修改。
5. 实现图书借阅和归还功能,包括记录借阅日期和归还日期等信息。
6. 实现图书分类和检索功能,可以按照书名、作者、出版日期等条件进行检索。
1. 数据存储:需要选择一种数据存储方式,例如使用文本文件、二进制文件,或者使用数据库等。建议使用文件存储,因为它比较简单,而且可以直接读取和修改。
2. 用户界面:需要设计一个用户界面,包括菜单、输入输出等。可以使用C语言提供的控制台输出和输入函数,也可以使用图形界面库。
3. 功能实现:需要实现图书管理系统的基本功能,例如添加图书、删除图书、查询图书、借阅图书等。建议使用结构体来定义图书信息,方便存储和操作。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_BOOKS 100 // 最大图书数量
#define MAX_TITLE 50 // 书名最大长度
#define MAX_AUTHOR 20 // 作者最大长度
// 图书结构体
typedef struct {
char title[MAX_TITLE]; // 书名
char author[MAX_AUTHOR]; // 作者
int available; // 是否可借
} Book;
// 图书馆结构体
typedef struct {
Book books[MAX_BOOKS]; // 图书数组
int count; // 图书数量
} Library;
// 添加图书
void add_book(Library *lib) {
if (lib->count >= MAX_BOOKS) {
printf("The library is full!\n");
Book book;
printf("Enter the book title: ");
scanf("%s", book.title);
printf("Enter the book author: ");
scanf("%s", book.author);
book.available = 1;
lib->books[lib->count] = book;
printf("The book has been added to the library.\n");
// 删除图书
void delete_book(Library *lib) {
char title[MAX_TITLE];
printf("Enter the book title: ");
scanf("%s", title);
int found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].title, title) == 0) {
found = 1;
lib->books[i] = lib->books[lib->count - 1];
printf("The book has been deleted from the library.\n");
if (!found) {
printf("The book was not found in the library.\n");
// 查询图书
void search_book(Library *lib) {
char title[MAX_TITLE];
printf("Enter the book title: ");
scanf("%s", title);
int found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].title, title) == 0) {
found = 1;
printf("Book title: %s\n", lib->books[i].title);
printf("Book author: %s\n", lib->books[i].author);
printf("Book availability: %s\n", lib->books[i].available ? "available" : "not available");
if (!found) {
printf("The book was not found in the library.\n");
// 借阅图书
void borrow_book(Library *lib) {
char title[MAX_TITLE];
printf("Enter the book title: ");
scanf("%s", title);
int found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].title, title) == 0) {
found = 1;
if (lib->books[i].available) {
lib->books[i].available = 0;
printf("You have borrowed the book %s.\n", lib->books[i].title);
} else {
printf("The book %s is not available.\n", lib->books[i].title);
if (!found) {
printf("The book was not found in the library.\n");
// 归还图书
void return_book(Library *lib) {
char title[MAX_TITLE];
printf("Enter the book title: ");
scanf("%s", title);
int found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].title, title) == 0) {
found = 1;
if (!lib->books[i].available) {
lib->books[i].available = 1;
printf("You have returned the book %s.\n", lib->books[i].title);
} else {
printf("The book %s is already available.\n", lib->books[i].title);
if (!found) {
printf("The book was not found in the library.\n");
// 显示菜单
void display_menu() {
printf("1. Add a book\n");
printf("2. Delete a book\n");
printf("3. Search for a book\n");
printf("4. Borrow a book\n");
printf("5. Return a book\n");
printf("6. Exit\n");
int main() {
Library lib = { .count = 0 };
int choice;
do {
printf("Enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice) {
case 1: add_book(&lib); break;
case 2: delete_book(&lib); break;
case 3: search_book(&lib); break;
case 4: borrow_book(&lib); break;
case 5: return_book(&lib); break;
case 6: break;
default: printf("Invalid choice. Please try again.\n"); break;
} while (choice != 6);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_BOOKS 100
// 图书结构体
struct Book {
char name[50];
char author[50];
char publisher[50];
char isbn[20];
double price;
// 图书管理系统结构体
struct Library {
struct Book books[MAX_BOOKS];
int count;
// 添加图书
void add_book(struct Library *lib, const char *name, const char *author, const char *publisher, const char *isbn, double price) {
if (lib->count >= MAX_BOOKS) {
printf("The library is full!\n");
struct Book book;
strcpy(book.name, name);
strcpy(book.author, author);
strcpy(book.publisher, publisher);
strcpy(book.isbn, isbn);
book.price = price;
lib->books[lib->count++] = book;
printf("Add book successfully!\n");
// 删除图书
void delete_book(struct Library *lib, const char *isbn) {
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].isbn, isbn) == 0) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < lib->count; j++) {
lib->books[j - 1] = lib->books[j];
printf("Delete book successfully!\n");
printf("The book is not found!\n");
// 查询图书
void query_book(struct Library *lib, const char *isbn) {
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].isbn, isbn) == 0) {
printf("Book name: %s\n", lib->books[i].name);
printf("Author: %s\n", lib->books[i].author);
printf("Publisher: %s\n", lib->books[i].publisher);
printf("ISBN: %s\n", lib->books[i].isbn);
printf("Price: %lf\n", lib->books[i].price);
printf("The book is not found!\n");
// 修改图书
void update_book(struct Library *lib, const char *isbn, double new_price) {
for (int i = 0; i < lib->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(lib->books[i].isbn, isbn) == 0) {
lib->books[i].price = new_price;
printf("Update book successfully!\n");
printf("The book is not found!\n");
int main() {
struct Library lib;
lib.count = 0;
// 添加图书
add_book(&lib, "C语言程序设计", "谭浩强", "清华大学出版社", "9787302339974", 48.0);
// 查询图书
query_book(&lib, "9787302339974");
// 修改图书
update_book(&lib, "9787302339974", 58.0);
// 删除图书
delete_book(&lib, "9787302339974");
return 0;