mybatisplus first
时间: 2023-09-06 14:12:53 浏览: 174
MyBatis Plus is an enhanced version of the MyBatis Java persistence framework. It provides additional features and simplifies the development process by reducing boilerplate code. Some of the features offered by MyBatis Plus include automatic SQL generation, pagination, code generation, and annotation support.
To get started with MyBatis Plus, you first need to include the relevant dependencies in your project. You can do this by adding the following Maven dependency to your pom.xml file:
Replace `{latest-version}` with the latest version of MyBatis Plus.
Next, you need to configure MyBatis Plus in your application. This involves creating a configuration class that extends `MybatisPlusConfig` and annotating it with `@Configuration`. In this class, you can specify the database connection details and any additional configuration options.
Once the configuration is set up, you can start using MyBatis Plus by defining your entity classes and mapper interfaces. MyBatis Plus provides convenient methods for common database operations, such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting records. You can leverage these methods to interact with your database without writing complex SQL statements.
Overall, MyBatis Plus simplifies the development of data access layer in Java applications by providing useful features and reducing boilerplate code. You can refer to the official documentation for more details and examples on how to use MyBatis Plus effectively.