'str' object has no attribute 'subs'
时间: 2023-06-22 07:37:39 浏览: 147
string = "hello world"
new_string = string.replace("world", "python")
这段代码将会输出 "hello python",其中replace()方法将字符串中的"world"替换为"python"。希望这能帮助你解决你的问题!
str object has no attribute decode
"AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'"错误通常发生在我们试图对字符串对象使用"decode"方法时。这是因为在Python 3中,字符串对象已经不再有"decode"方法,而是用于将字节对象解码为字符串的方法。因此,当我们尝试对字符串对象使用"decode"方法时,会出现该错误。
1. 确保您的代码中没有对字符串对象使用"decode"方法。您可以检查是否在字符串对象上调用了"decode"方法,若有,请将其删除或替换为适当的方法。
2. 如果您确实需要对字节对象进行解码操作,请确保您正在操作的是字节对象而不是字符串对象。您可以使用"encode"方法将字符串编码为字节对象,然后再使用适当的解码方法对其进行解码。
str object has no attribute setex
The error message "str object has no attribute setex" means that you're trying to call the setex method on a string object, but this method is not defined for strings.
The setex method is a Redis command that sets a value in a Redis database with an expiration time. To use this method in Python, you need to first connect to a Redis server using a Redis client library such as redis-py, and then call the setex method on the Redis client object.
Here's an example of how to use the setex method with redis-py:
import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
r.setex('mykey', 60, 'myvalue')
This code connects to a Redis server running on localhost:6379, selects database 0, and then sets the key 'mykey' with the value 'myvalue' and an expiration time of 60 seconds.
Make sure you have installed redis-py library before running this code.