Computed property "imgDate" was assigned to but it has no setter. The computed property "imgDate" is already defined as a method.
时间: 2024-10-12 08:07:46 浏览: 46
在JavaScript (特别是Vue.js) 中,"Computed properties"(计算属性)是用来响应式地基于其他数据属性的值动态生成新值的。当你试图将一个非函数赋值给一个已经声明为 `computed` 的 `imgDate` 属性时,这通常是由于误解了它的用途。
通常,计算属性应该定义为返回一个表达式的函数,而不是直接赋值。例如,如果 `imgDate` 需要基于另一个属性(如 `uploadDate`)进行计算,你应该这么写:
data() {
return {
uploadDate: '',
// ...
computed: {
imgDate() {
return new Date(this.uploadDate);
// 或者更复杂的计算
在这个例子中,`imgDate` 就是一个计算属性,它会根据 `uploadDate` 变化而自动更新。如果试图像 `this.imgDate = 'some value';` 这样设置它的值,就会报错,因为它没有对应的 setter 方法来接收外部的设定。
uniapp Computed property "followList" was assigned to but it has no setter.
在UniApp中,当你定义了一个计算属性(computed property),它会根据依赖的数据动态计算出一个新的值。然而,如果你给计算属性赋值但没有提供setter方法,就会出现"Computed property 'followList' was assigned to but it has no setter."的错误。
Property or method "index" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive
This error usually occurs when you are referencing a property or method in your Vue component's template that is not defined in the component's instance. To fix this, make sure that the property or method you are using in the template is declared and defined in the component's `data`, `computed`, or `methods` sections.
If the property is supposed to be reactive, you can define it in the `data` section of your component. For example:
data() {
return {
index: 0
If the property is a computed property, you can define it in the `computed` section. For example:
computed: {
index() {
// compute and return the index value
If the property is a method, define it in the `methods` section. For example:
methods: {
index() {
// perform some calculations or actions and return the index value
Make sure to check for typos or incorrect naming when referencing the property or method in your template.