Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
时间: 2023-11-30 16:03:51 浏览: 342
This error message means that Docker is unable to find the image named "hello-world:latest" on your local machine. To fix this, you can try running the following command in your terminal:
docker pull hello-world:latest
This will download the latest version of the "hello-world" image from Docker Hub and store it on your local machine. Once the download is complete, you should be able to run the image using the following command:
docker run hello-world
This will run the "hello-world" container and output a message confirming that Docker is working correctly on your machine.
unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
1. 拉取镜像:执行`docker pull hello-world:latest`命令,会从Docker Hub(Docker的公共镜像仓库)拉取最新版本的"hello-world"镜像到本地仓库中。拉取完毕后,再次执行原先的指令,就可以成功运行容器了。
2. 检查Docker配置:检查Docker的配置,确保配置文件中没有使用非标准的镜像仓库或镜像服务。在Linux系统中,配置文件通常位于`/etc/docker/daemon.json`;在Windows系统上,配置文件位于Docker Desktop的设置中。如果没有特别的配置需求,可以考虑删除配置文件,然后重启Docker服务,让Docker重新使用默认的配置。
Unable to find image ‘hello-world:latest‘ locally
这是一个Docker错误,可能是因为你没有下载 `hello-world` 镜像。你可以运行 `docker pull hello-world` 命令来下载该镜像,然后再运行 `docker run hello-world` 命令来测试它。如果你已经下载了该镜像但仍然遇到问题,则可能是Docker配置或网络问题。