AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.compat.v2.__internal__.tracking' has no attribute 'TrackableSaver'
时间: 2023-12-01 19:42:59 浏览: 170
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.compat.v2' has no attribute '__internal__'
This error occurs when you are trying to access an attribute or module that does not exist within the TensorFlow package. In this case, the attribute or module that is being called is '__internal__' within the 'tensorflow.compat.v2' module.
To fix this error, you can try the following solutions:
1. Update TensorFlow to the latest version: This error might occur if you are using an outdated version of TensorFlow. Try updating TensorFlow to the latest version.
2. Check the spelling of the attribute or module: Make sure that you have spelled the attribute or module name correctly.
3. Use the correct import statements: If you are using an older version of TensorFlow, you might need to use different import statements. Check the TensorFlow documentation to see the correct import statements for your version.
4. Check for typos in your code: Double-check your code for any typos or syntax errors that could be causing this error.
5. Import specific modules instead of using wildcard imports: Instead of using a wildcard import statement (e.g. 'from tensorflow.compat.v2 import *'), try importing specific modules (e.g. 'from tensorflow.compat.v2 import module_name'). This can help avoid conflicts with similarly named attributes or modules.
attributeerror: module 'tensorflow.compat.v2' has no attribute '__internal__'
### 回答1:
这是一个错误信息,表示在使用 tensorflow.compat.v2 模块时没有找到名为 __internal__ 的属性。
### 回答2:
这个错误提示说明在导入tensorflow.compat.v2时,由于一些原因找不到名为‘__internal__’的属性,导致了错误的发生。通常出现在使用TensorFlow 2.x版本迁移代码到低版本时。
首先,建议检查你的TensorFlow版本是否正确。如果你的代码是基于TensorFlow 2.x版本编写的,而你尝试使用TensorFlow低版本运行它,那么就会出现类似的错误提示。
另外,建议使用TensorFlow 1.x版本兼容性模块tf.compat.v1来代替TensorFlow 2.x版本的tf.compat.v2,这可以避免类似的错误发生。
### 回答3:
这个错误提示是因为在调用TensorFlow的v2模块时,需要使用新版的TensorFlow 2.0来调用,而旧版TensorFlow中的compat.v2模块并不支持这个属性。
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
conda update tensorflow