’在arcgis工具箱脚本运行代码import arcpy # 定义输入参数 input_fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # 输入矢量数据 join_field = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # 相邻图斑字段 area_threshold = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # 面积阈值 output_fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) # 输出矢量数据 # 计算面积字段 arcpy.AddField_management(input_fc, "Area", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateGeometryAttributes_management(input_fc, [["Area", "AREA"]]) # 定义查询语句 query = "{} = '{}' AND Area < {}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(input_fc, join_field), "{}", area_threshold) # 使用游标遍历要素并合并 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(input_fc, ["OID@", join_field, "Shape@", "Area"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[3] < float(area_threshold): continue nearby_rows = [r for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_fc, ["OID@", "Shape@"], where_clause=query.format(row[1])) if r[0] != row[0]] for nearby_row in nearby_rows: geometry = row[2].union(nearby_row[1]) row[2] = geometry cursor.updateRow(row) cursor.deleteRow(nearby_row) # 删除面积字段 arcpy.DeleteField_management(input_fc, "Area") # 导出结果 arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(input_fc, output_fc)出错,原因IndentationError: unexpected indent (批量合并小图斑.py, line 16) 执行(批量合并小图斑)失败。,请改正代码
时间: 2023-11-22 07:53:22 浏览: 168
在 Python 中,代码的缩进非常重要,错误提示显示的是缩进错误(IndentationError)。请检查代码缩进的正确性,以下是已修正的代码:
import arcpy
# 定义输入参数
input_fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # 输入矢量数据
join_field = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # 相邻图斑字段
area_threshold = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # 面积阈值
output_fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) # 输出矢量数据
# 计算面积字段
arcpy.AddField_management(input_fc, "Area", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.CalculateGeometryAttributes_management(input_fc, [["Area", "AREA"]])
# 定义查询语句
query = "{} = '{}' AND Area < {}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(input_fc, join_field), "{}", area_threshold)
# 使用游标遍历要素并合并
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(input_fc, ["OID@", join_field, "Shape@", "Area"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[3] < float(area_threshold):
nearby_rows = [r for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_fc, ["OID@", "Shape@"], where_clause=query.format(row[1])) if r[0] != row[0]]
for nearby_row in nearby_rows:
geometry = row[2].union(nearby_row[1])
row[2] = geometry
# 删除面积字段
arcpy.DeleteField_management(input_fc, "Area")
# 导出结果
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(input_fc, output_fc)