时间: 2024-03-26 11:42:16 浏览: 239
function [rir] = rir_generator(fs, nsamples, room_dim, source_pos, mic_pos)
% fs: sampling frequency
% nsamples: number of samples
% room_dim: room dimensions [x y z]
% source_pos: source position [x y z]
% mic_pos: microphone position [x y z]
c = 343; % speed of sound in air
max_order = 17; % maximum order of reflections
beta = 0.4; % reflection coefficient
epsilon = 0.3; % scattering coefficient
% calculate room dimensions in meters
room_dim = room_dim / 1000;
% calculate distance between source and microphone
d = norm(mic_pos - source_pos);
% calculate reverberation time
volume = prod(room_dim);
surface_area = 2 * sum(room_dim(1:2)) * sum(room_dim([2 3])) * sum(room_dim([1 3]));
rt60 = 0.161 * volume / ((c * surface_area) + 2.0 * volume * epsilon);
% generate impulse response
rir = rir_generator_catt(fs, nsamples, room_dim, source_pos, mic_pos, rt60, max_order, beta, epsilon);