x_test = X_test['LSTAT'].values.reshape(-1, 1)
时间: 2024-05-27 22:14:31 浏览: 70
This line of code is reshaping the 'LSTAT' column of the X_test dataframe into a 2-dimensional array with only one column. This is done using the numpy reshape method. The -1 in the reshape method means that the number of rows in the reshaped array will be inferred based on the number of elements in the original array.
解析self.CRIM_Edit = QLineEdit("11.95") self.ZN_Edit = QLineEdit("0.00") self.INDUS_Edit = QLineEdit("18.100") self.CHAS_Edit = QLineEdit("0") self.NOX_Edit = QLineEdit("0.6590") self.RM_Edit = QLineEdit("5.6090") self.AGE_Edit = QLineEdit("90.00") self.DIS_Edit = QLineEdit("1.385") self.RAD_Edit = QLineEdit("24") self.TAX_Edit = QLineEdit("680.0") self.PTRATIO_Edit = QLineEdit("20.20") self.B_Edit = QLineEdit("332.09") self.LSTAT_Edit = QLineEdit("12.13")
这是一段 Python 代码,它创建了多个名为 "xxx_Edit" 的文本框控件,并将它们添加到当前类的实例对象中。
每个文本框控件都有一个默认值,例如第一个文本框控件的默认值为 "11.95"。这些文本框控件通常用于接收用户的输入,例如此处可能是用于输入房屋的各种属性值。
这些文本框控件都被存储在当前类的实例对象中,以便在其他方法中可以方便地访问它们的值。例如,可以在某个方法中使用 "self.CRIM_Edit.text()" 来获取名为 "CRIM_Edit" 的文本框控件中的文本值。
解释一下data_pd = data_pd[['LSTAT','PTRATIO','RM','price']] y = np.array(data_pd['price']) data_pd=data_pd.drop(['price'],axis=1) X = np.array(data_pd)