时间: 2023-09-03 10:14:51 浏览: 125
1. collapse:边框会合并在一起,形成一个单一的边框。这是默认值。
2. separate:边框会分开显示,每个单元格都有自己的边框。
border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0;
These are CSS properties used for formatting tables.
"border-collapse: collapse;" is used to collapse the borders of table cells into a single border, creating a seamless and cleaner look. This property removes the default space between table cells.
"border-spacing: 0;" is used to set the space between the borders of adjacent cells in a table. When set to 0, it removes the space between cells, making them appear flush against each other. This property is only effective if "border-collapse" is set to "separate".
table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
这是一个CSS样式表中的属性和值,用于设置表格的边框和单元格之间的间距。border-collapse: collapse;指定表格边框合并,即将相邻单元格的边框合并成一个,从而使整个表格更加整洁。border-spacing: 0;指定相邻单元格之间的间距。值为0表示单元格彼此挨在一起,不留空隙。