时间: 2024-06-11 13:02:48 浏览: 209
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity full_adder is
port (
a, b, cin: in std_logic;
sum, cout: out std_logic
end full_adder;
architecture Behavioral of full_adder is
sum <= a xor b xor cin;
cout <= (a and b) or (cin and (a xor b));
end Behavioral;
entity full_adder_instance is
port (
a, b, cin: in std_logic;
sum, cout: out std_logic
end full_adder_instance;
architecture Behavioral of full_adder_instance is
component full_adder
port (
a, b, cin: in std_logic;
sum, cout: out std_logic
end component;
U1: full_adder port map (a => a, b => b, cin => cin, sum => sum, cout => cout);
end Behavioral;
在这个例子中,`full_adder`是一个具有输入端口`a`、`b`和`cin`,以及输出端口`sum`和`cout`的VHDL实体。然后,在`full_adder_instance`实体中,使用`component`声明引入了`full_adder`实体,并在`U1`中进行实例化。最后,使用`port map`将输入输出端口连接到该实例中。