翻译一下The description you provided seems to be referring to the @RequiresApi annotation in Android. This annotation is used to indicate that the annotated element (such as a method or class) should only be called on the specified API level or higher. The @RequiresApi annotation is typically used to enforce runtime checks for API compatibility. It specifies the minimum API level required for the annotated element to be safely used. If the annotated element is called on a device with an API level lower than the specified value, a runtime exception will be thrown. Here's an example of how to use the @RequiresApi annotation:
时间: 2024-04-12 10:28:49 浏览: 319
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
public void doSomething() {
// This method can only be called on Android Nougat (API level 24) or higher
// Implement your logic here
在这个示例中,doSomething()方法只能在运行Android Nougat(API级别24)或更高级别的设备上调用。如果在较低的API级别设备上调用该方法,将会抛出异常。
The injection point has the following annotations:- @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)
It seems like you're referring to an injection point in a Spring application. The annotation you mentioned is "@Autowired". This annotation is used in Spring to automatically wire dependencies into a bean. In this case, the "required=true" attribute indicates that the dependency being injected is mandatory, and Spring will throw an exception if it cannot find a suitable bean to inject.
Is there anything specific you would like to know or discuss about this annotation or dependency injection in Spring?
Referring to Figure 6-24 , the following rules define timestamp capture: • A PTM Requester must update its stored t1 timestamp when transmitting a PTM Request Message, even if that transmission is a replay. • A PTM Responder must update its stored t2 timestamp when receiving a PTM Request Message, even if received TLP is a duplicate. • A PTM Responder must update its stored t3 timestamp when transmitting a PTM Response or ResponseD Message, even if that transmission is a replay. • A PTM Requester must update its stored t4 timestamp when receiving a PTM Response Message, even if received TLP is a duplicate. ◦ Timestamps must be based on the STP Symbol or Token that frames the TLP, as if observing the first bit of that Symbol or Token at the Port’s pins. Typically this will require an implementation specific adjustment to compensate for the inability to directly measure the time at the actual pins, as the time will commonly be measured at some internal point in the Rx or Tx path. The accuracy and consistency of this measurement are not bounded by this specification, but it is strongly recommended that the highest practical level of accuracy and consistency be achieved. 翻译一下
参考图6-24,以下规则定义了时间戳捕获:• PTM请求者在发送PTM请求消息时,必须更新其存储的t1时间戳,即使该传输是重播。• PTM响应者在接收PTM请求消息时,必须更新其存储的t2时间戳,即使接收到的TLP是重复的。• PTM响应者在传输PTM响应或ResponseD消息时,必须更新其存储的t3时间戳,即使该传输是重播。• PTM请求者在接收到PTM响应消息时,必须更新其存储的t4时间戳,即使接收到的TLP是重复的。◦ 时间戳必须基于框架TLP的STP符号或令牌,就好像在端口引脚上观察该符号或令牌的第一个比特位。通常,这将需要一种特定于实现的调整,以补偿无法直接测量实际引脚时间的能力,因为时间通常会在Rx或Tx路径中的某个内部点测量。此测量的准确性和一致性不受本规范的限制,但强烈建议实现最高实用级别的准确性和一致性。