AttributeError: 'lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult' object has no attribute 'xpath'.
时间: 2023-11-05 18:04:37 浏览: 403
这个错误是由于您尝试在 `lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult` 对象上调用 `xpath` 方法而引起的。`lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult` 是 lxml 库在处理 XML 或 HTML 文档时返回的结果对象之一。但是,由于该对象不是一个元素对象,所以不具备 `xpath` 方法。
要解决这个问题,您需要确保调用 `xpath` 方法的对象是一个元素对象。请检查您的代码,确认您正在将正确的元素对象传递给 `xpath` 方法。
AttributeError: 'lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult' object has no attribute 'xpath'
这个错误通常是由于将一个字符串对象(比如通过 `lxml` 库中的 `Element.text` 属性获取的字符串)当做一个 `Element` 对象来使用,调用了一个 `Element` 对象才有的方法,比如 `xpath` 方法。请确保你正在处理的对象是一个 `Element` 对象,而不是一个字符串对象。你可以通过使用 `lxml` 库中的 `Element` 类来将一个字符串转换为 `Element` 对象,比如使用 `lxml.etree.fromstring()` 方法。
'lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult' object has no attribute 'xpath'
This error message indicates that you are trying to use the `xpath` method on an object of the `lxml.etree._ElementUnicodeResult` class, which does not have an `xpath` method.
To fix this error, you need to make sure that you are calling the `xpath` method on an object of the `lxml.etree._Element` class, which is the class that has the `xpath` method.
For example, if you are trying to extract data from an XML document using the `xpath` method, you need to first parse the XML document using the `lxml.etree.parse` method, and then call the `xpath` method on the parsed XML document.
Here is an example code snippet that shows how to do this:
import lxml.etree as ET
# Parse the XML document
doc = ET.parse('example.xml')
# Get the root element
root = doc.getroot()
# Use the xpath method to extract data from the XML document
data = root.xpath('//some/element/path')
# Print the extracted data
In this example, we first parse the XML document using the `ET.parse` method, and then get the root element of the parsed document using the `doc.getroot` method. We then use the `xpath` method on the root element to extract data from the XML document. Finally, we print the extracted data.