如何把下面获取的代码保存到同一个文件夹中factors = get_factor(query_model1_factor,'000300.XSHG',START_DATE,END_DATE)
时间: 2024-11-03 22:18:26 浏览: 51
import pandas as pd
# 假设get_factor函数返回的是一个DataFrame对象
if factors is not None:
# 将factors转换为DataFrame(如果它还不是)
if isinstance(factors, list):
factors_df = pd.DataFrame(factors)
factors_df = factors
# 确保目录存在,如果不存在则创建
if not os.path.exists(save_path):
# 保存 DataFrame 到 CSV 文件
file_name = "factors_000300.csv" # 或者自定义文件名
save_file_path = os.path.join(save_path, file_name)
factors_df.to_csv(save_file_path, index=False) # 参数index=False表示不保存索引
def initialize(context): # 设置回测日期区间 set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') set_option('use_real_price', True) # 设置买入的股票数量上限 g.max_stock_count = 5 def handle_data(context, data): # 获取当前日期 current_date = context.current_dt.date() # 获取股票池中的股票列表 stocks = get_index_stocks('000852.XSHG') # 按照股票池中的股票进行遍历 for stock in stocks: # 判断股票是否满足买入条件 if check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): buy_stock(stock, context) # 判断持有的股票是否满足卖出条件 if check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): sell_stock(stock, context) def check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 判断股票是否连续下跌三天 prices = attribute_history(stock, 3, '1d', ['close']) if len(prices) == 3 and prices['close'][-1] < prices['close'][-2] < prices['close'][-3]: return True else: return False def buy_stock(stock, context): # 判断当前持仓的股票数量是否已达上限 if len(context.portfolio.positions) >= g.max_stock_count: return buy_date = context.current_dt.date() # 买入股票 order_value(stock, context.portfolio.cash / g.max_stock_count) def check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 获取持有股票的买入日期 buy_date = context.current_dt.date() time_diff = current_date - buy_date threshold = timedelta(days=3) # 判断是否满足卖出条件 if time_diff >= threshold or ((context.portfolio.positions[stock].last_price - context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost) / context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost <= -0.05): # 判断是否亏损超过5% return order_target(stock, 0) 报错 type object 'UserObject' has no attribute '__getattr__'
def initialize(context):
# 设置回测日期区间
set_option('use_real_price', True)
# 设置买入的股票数量上限
g.max_stock_count = 5
def handle_data(context, data):
# 获取当前日期
current_date = context.current_dt.date()
# 获取股票池中的股票列表
stocks = get_index_stocks('000852.XSHG')
# 按照股票池中的股票进行遍历
for stock in stocks:
# 判断股票是否满足买入条件
if check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context):
buy_stock(stock, context)
# 判断持有的股票是否满足卖出条件
if check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context):
sell_stock(stock, context)
def check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context):
# 判断股票是否连续下跌三天
prices = attribute_history(stock, 3, '1d', ['close'])
if len(prices) == 3 and prices['close'][-1] < prices['close'][-2] < prices['close'][-3]:
return True
return False
def buy_stock(stock, context):
# 判断当前持仓的股票数量是否已达上限
if len(context.portfolio.positions) >= g.max_stock_count:
buy_date = context.current_dt.date()
# 买入股票
order_target_value(stock, context.portfolio.cash / g.max_stock_count)
def check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context):
# 获取持有股票的买入日期
buy_date = context.current_dt.date()
time_diff = current_date - buy_date
threshold = timedelta(days=3)
# 判断是否满足卖出条件
if time_diff >= threshold or ((context.portfolio.positions[stock].last_price - context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost) / context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost <= -0.05):
# 判断是否亏损超过5%
order_target(stock, 0)
import tushare as ts import datetime def has_five_consecutive_rises(data): close = data['close'] if len(close) < 5 or any(close[-5:] != close.iloc[-1]): return False for i in range(1, 5): if close.iloc[-i-1] >= close.iloc[-i]: return False return True today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') three_months_ago = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=90)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') data = ts.get_hist_data('hs300', start=three_months_ago, end=today) for code in data.index: stock_data = ts.get_hist_data(code, start=three_months_ago, end=today) if has_five_consecutive_rises(stock_data): print(code)用聚宽运行上述代码
import jqdatasdk as jq
import datetime
def has_five_consecutive_rises(data):
close = data['close']
if len(close) < 5 or any(close[-5:] != close.iloc[-1]):
return False
for i in range(1, 5):
if close.iloc[-i-1] >= close.iloc[-i]:
return False
return True
jq.auth('账号', '密码')
today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
three_months_ago = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=90)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
data = jq.get_price('000300.XSHG', start_date=three_months_ago, end_date=today)
for code in data.index:
stock_data = jq.get_price(code, start_date=three_months_ago, end_date=today)
if has_five_consecutive_rises(stock_data):