时间: 2023-09-01 09:03:55 浏览: 113
Vue.use(VueAMap) VueAMap.initAMapApiLoader({ key: 'ca04cee7ac952691aa67a131e6f0cee0', plugin: ['AMap.Autocomplete', 'AMap.PlaceSearch', 'AMap.Scale', 'AMap.OverView', 'AMap.ToolBar', 'AMap.MapType', 'AMap.PolyEditor', 'AMap.CircleEditor', 'AMap.Geocoder'], v: '1.4.4' })
这段代码是在 Vue 项目中使用高德地图的代码。具体解释如下:
1. `Vue.use(VueAMap)` 用于在 Vue 中使用 VueAMap 插件。
2. `VueAMap.initAMapApiLoader` 是初始化高德地图 API,其中包括:
- `key`:高德地图的应用密钥;
- `plugin`:需要使用的地图插件,包括自动完成、地点搜索、比例尺、鹰眼、工具条、地图类型、多边形编辑器、圆形编辑器和地理编码器等;
- `v`:API 版本号。
需要注意的是,高德地图的 API 版本号需要和使用的插件版本号一致,否则可能会出现兼容性问题。
AMap.Geocoder is not a constructor
The error "AMap.Geocoder is not a constructor" typically occurs when the AMap JavaScript library is not properly loaded or initialized.
To fix this error, make sure that you have included the AMap JavaScript library in your HTML file and that it is loaded before you try to use the AMap.Geocoder constructor. You can include the library using a script tag like this:
<script src=""></script>
Replace `YOUR_API_KEY` with your actual AMap API key.
Once you have included the library, make sure that it is loaded before you try to use the AMap.Geocoder constructor. You can do this by wrapping your code in a window.onload function like this:
window.onload = function() {
// Your AMap code here...
This ensures that your code will only execute after the page has finished loading and the AMap library is fully initialized.