试着优化这段代码:nextTick(() => { myChart.setOption(getOption(), false, true) })
时间: 2024-04-13 11:30:21 浏览: 103
你可以尝试使用箭头函数的隐式返回来简化代码,并且将参数的默认值设为 `false` 和 `true`,如下所示:
nextTick(() => myChart.setOption(getOption(), false, true));
<template> <div ref="scEcharts" :style="{height:height, width:width}"></div> </template> <script> import * as echarts from 'echarts'; import T from './echarts-theme-T.js'; echarts.registerTheme('T', T); const unwarp = (obj) => obj && (obj.__v_raw || obj.valueOf() || obj); export default { ...echarts, name: "scEcharts", props: { height: {type: String, default: "100%"}, width: {type: String, default: "100%"}, nodata: {type: Boolean, default: false}, option: { type: Object, default: () => { } } }, data() { return { isActivat: false, myChart: null } }, watch: { option: { deep: true, handler(v) { unwarp(this.myChart).setOption(v); } } }, computed: { myOptions: function () { return this.option || {}; } }, activated() { if (!this.isActivat) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.myChart.resize() }) } }, deactivated() { this.isActivat = false; }, mounted() { this.isActivat = true; this.$nextTick(() => { this.draw(); }) }, methods: { draw() { var myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.scEcharts, 'T'); myChart.setOption(this.myOptions); this.myChart = myChart; window.addEventListener('resize', () => myChart.resize()); } } } </script>
1. <template>和</template>标签中是组件的模板,这里使用了一个div元素作为ECharts的容器,并设置了其高度和宽度。
2. <script>和</script>标签中是组件的JavaScript代码,使用了ES6语法,导入了ECharts库和自定义的主题T,并注册了主题T。
3. props属性是组件的属性,height和width分别表示图表容器的高度和宽度,nodata表示是否显示无数据提示,option表示图表的配置项和数据,类型为对象,默认值为空对象。
4. data属性是组件的数据,isActivat表示组件是否激活,myChart表示ECharts实例对象。
5. watch属性是组件的监听器,当option属性发生变化时,更新ECharts图表。
6. computed属性是组件的计算属性,返回option属性的值,确保option属性的值始终为对象。
7. activated和deactivated是组件的生命周期钩子函数,activated在组件被激活时自动调用,deactivated在组件失活时自动调用。
8. mounted是组件的挂载钩子函数,当组件插入到DOM中时自动调用,此时调用draw方法绘制ECharts图表。
9. methods属性是组件的方法,draw方法用于绘制ECharts图表,并监听窗口大小变化事件,自动调整ECharts图表大小。
“{ $: ComponentInternalInstance; $data: {}; $props: Partial<{}> & Omit<Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>> & VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps, never>; ... 10 more ...; $watch<T extends string | ((...args: any) => any)>(source: T, cb: T extends (...args: any) => infer R ? (args_0: R, args_1: R) => ...”上不存在属性“list”。
; $attrs: {}; $refs: {}; $slots: {}; $root: ComponentInternalInstance; $parent: ComponentInternalInstance | null; $emit: Function; $el: Element; $options: ComponentOptions; $nextTick: Function; }”
This is a type definition for a Vue.js component instance object. It includes several properties that are commonly used within Vue components:
- `$data`: an object representing the component's data properties
- `$props`: a partial object representing the component's props (which may be defined in the component's options)
- `$attrs`: an object representing any non-prop attributes passed to the component
- `$refs`: an object representing any named references to child components or elements within the component's template
- `$slots`: an object representing any named slots within the component's template
- `$root`: the root component instance of the current component hierarchy
- `$parent`: the parent component instance (if any) of the current component
- `$emit`: a function for emitting custom events from the component
- `$el`: the root DOM element of the component
- `$options`: the options object used to define the component (including its data, methods, computed properties, etc.)
- `$nextTick`: a function for scheduling a callback to run after the next DOM update cycle.