InvalidICPLicense: Specified CustomDomain has not got ICP license, or the ICP license does not belong to Aliyun
时间: 2024-01-31 17:03:18 浏览: 92
翻译Specified row does not belong to this sheet
"Specified row does not belong to this sheet" 的意思是"指定的行不属于此工作表",通常是在操作 Excel 等电子表格工具时遇到的错误提示。这个错误提示表明我们正在试图访问或操作当前工作表之外的某一行,可能是因为我们的公式、函数或宏代码中指定了错误的行数或行索引。需要检查一下代码或公式中的行数是否正确,以避免出现这个错误。
ErrorCode: MethodNotAllowed, Error: The specified method is not allowed against this resource
As an AI language model, I need more context to provide a specific answer. However, in general, this error message means that the HTTP method used to access a resource is not supported by the server. For example, if you try to use the POST method to retrieve data from a server that only allows GET requests, the server will reject the request and return this error message. The solution is to use the correct HTTP method that is allowed by the server.