exit code 128 表示收到了一个非法的中断信号导致程序退出。加上信号编号可以得到相应的 "exit code",有哪些信号编号,都表示什么
时间: 2024-04-16 15:29:58 浏览: 245
在 Unix-like 系统中,有一些常见的信号及其对应的编号和含义如下:
- SIGINT (2): 中断信号,通常由用户在终端上按下 Ctrl+C 触发。用于请求程序停止运行。
- SIGQUIT (3): 退出信号,通常由用户在终端上按下 Ctrl+\ 触发。用于请求程序退出,并生成核心转储文件。
- SIGKILL (9): 强制终止信号,无法被忽略、阻塞或捕获。用于强制终止进程。
- SIGTERM (15): 终止信号,用于请求程序优雅地终止运行。
- SIGSEGV (11): 段错误信号,表示程序访问了无效的内存地址。
- SIGPIPE (13): 管道破裂信号,表示向一个没有读取进程的管道写入数据。
- SIGHUP (1): 终端挂起信号,通常由终端连接断开或终端窗口关闭触发。
- SIGUSR1 (10) 和 SIGUSR2 (12): 用户自定义信号,可以根据需要自定义使用。
除了上述常见的信号,还有一些其他的信号可用,并且可能因操作系统和编程环境而有所不同。您可以使用 `man signal` 命令在终端上查看完整的信号列表及其含义。
请注意,加上信号编号后,exit code 将会是 128 加上该信号编号。例如,如果收到 SIGSEGV 信号,exit code 将是 128 + 11 = 139。
exit code 128
exit code 128是git的一个错误代码,通常表示在执行git命令时发生了致命错误。这个错误代码通常会伴随着一些其他的错误信息,比如“fatal: not a git repository”或者“fatal: unable to connect to github.com”。这些错误信息可以帮助你更好地理解问题所在。
可能导致exit code 128的原因有很多,比如:
- 你没有足够的权限执行git命令
- 你的git仓库已经损坏
- 你的网络连接出现了问题
- 你的git版本过旧
解决exit code 128的方法也有很多,具体取决于问题所在。以下是一些可能有用的解决方法:
- 确保你有足够的权限执行git命令
- 检查你的git仓库是否已经损坏,如果是,可以尝试使用git fsck命令修复它
- 检查你的网络连接是否正常,如果不正常,可以尝试重新连接或者使用代理
- 更新你的git版本到最新版本
git exit code 128
Git exit code 128 usually indicates that there was a problem with the remote repository or the network connection. Some possible causes of this error include:
1. Incorrect authentication credentials: If you are trying to push or pull from a remote repository and your authentication credentials are incorrect, Git will return an exit code of 128.
2. Network connectivity issues: If there is a problem with your network connection, Git may be unable to communicate with the remote repository, resulting in an exit code of 128.
3. Repository not found: If the remote repository you are trying to access does not exist or has been deleted, Git will return an exit code of 128.
4. Insufficient permissions: If you do not have the necessary permissions to access the remote repository, Git will return an exit code of 128.
To troubleshoot this error, you can try the following steps:
1. Check your authentication credentials: Make sure that the username and password you are using to authenticate with the remote repository are correct.
2. Check your network connection: Ensure that you have a stable network connection and that there are no network connectivity issues that may be preventing Git from communicating with the remote repository.
3. Verify the repository exists: Double check that the remote repository you are trying to access exists and that you have the correct URL.
4. Check your permissions: Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to access the remote repository. If you are unsure, check with the repository owner or administrator.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, you may need to seek further assistance from Git support or the repository owner.