和Water vapor有关的气候变化反馈机制
时间: 2023-06-05 12:07:44 浏览: 150
Water vapor是一种重要的温室气体,当其他温室气体排放增加时,水蒸气的含量也会相应增加,进一步导致气候变暖。这被称为水汽反馈机制。当气候变暖时,水蒸气和云的分布也会发生相应的变化,进一步放大气候变化的影响。
As for the liquid water content distributions, the liquid saturations in gas diffusion layers are shown in Fig. 6. For both case1 and case 2, the liquid water appears in the vapor saturation areas which locate between the mid area and cathode outlet area. For both cases, the cathode side exhibits apparent higher liquid water content than anode side does. Moreover, the liquid water accumulates in the porous media under the ribs rather than the gas channels, due to the elimination effects of liquid water in gas channels by convective flows. The maximum value of liquid saturation locates at the edge areas of cathode flow field without coverage by the wavy air channels where the oxygen supply is hindered by both blockage of liquid water in porous media and farther distance for gas permeation. The liquid water content of case 2 shows slightly higher than that of case 1, which is a result of tradeoff between operating temperature and pressure. Increasing temperature alleviates the condensation of water vapor, while the increased back pressure lowers volumetric gas flow rate and enhances liquid water accumulation inside the porous media.