时间: 2025-01-03 09:42:53 浏览: 14
### 使用Python编写程序来自动配平化学方程式
#### 1. 解析输入的化学方程式
#### 2. 构建矩阵表示形式
#### 3. 应用高斯消元法求解线性方程组
下面给出一段具体的 Python 实现代码用于演示目的:
from fractions import Fraction as frac
import copy
def parse_equation(equation_str):
"""Parse the equation string into reactants and products."""
sides = equation_str.split('=')
left_side, right_side = map(lambda s: s.strip().split('+'), sides)
elements_dict = {}
def add_element(side_elements, sign=1):
for compound in side_elements:
compounds_parts = []
i = 0
while i < len(compound):
start = i
if not compound[i].isalpha():
i += 1
# Find element symbol (one or two letters)
while i + 1 < len(compound) and compound[i+1].islower():
i += 1
elem_symbol = compound[start:i+1]
count = ''
while i + 1 < len(compound) and compound[i+1].isdigit():
i += 1
count += compound[i]
num_atoms = int(count) if count else 1
if elem_symbol not in elements_dict:
elements_dict[elem_symbol] = 0
elements_dict[elem_symbol] += sign * num_atoms
i += 1
add_element(left_side, 1)
add_element(right_side, -1)
return list(elements_dict.keys()), [[elements_dict[k]] for k in elements_dict]
def gauss_jordan_elimination(matrix_a, vector_b=None):
n_rows = len(matrix_a)
m_cols = len(matrix_a[0])
augmented_matrix = matrix_a[:] if vector_b is None else [
row + [vector_b[i][0]]
for i, row in enumerate(matrix_a)]
lead_pos = 0
for r in range(n_rows):
if lead_pos >= m_cols:
i_max = max((i for i in range(r, n_rows)), key=lambda j: abs(augmented_matrix[j][lead_pos]))
if augmented_matrix[i_max][lead_pos] != 0:
augmented_matrix[r], augmented_matrix[i_max] = \
augmented_matrix[i_max], augmented_matrix[r]
lv = frac(1, augmented_matrix[r][lead_pos])
augmented_matrix[r] = [val * lv for val in augmented_matrix[r]]
for i in range(n_rows):
if i != r:
lv = augmented_matrix[i][lead_pos]
augmented_matrix[i] = [
v_i_r - lv*v_r_c
for v_i_r, v_r_c in zip(augmented_matrix[i], augmented_matrix[r])]
lead_pos += 1
solution_vector = [row[-1] for row in augmented_matrix][:n_rows]
return solution_vector[:-len(vector_b)] if vector_b else solution_vector
if __name__ == '__main__':
eq_input = "Fe + O2 -> Fe2O3"
elems, matr = parse_equation(eq_input)
solns = gauss_jordan_elimination(matr)
lcm_denom = lambda nums: reduce(
lambda a,b:a*b//gcd(int(a),int(b)),
[f.denominator for f in nums],
mult_factor = lcm_denom(solns)
balanced_coeffs = tuple(map(lambda x:int(x*mult_factor), solns))
print(f'Balanced Equation Coefficients ({eq_input}): {balanced_coeffs}')