the compiler compliance specif
时间: 2023-04-16 15:01:00 浏览: 105
ies which version of the programming language the compiler supports and how it handles certain language features and constructs.编译器兼容性规范指定编译器支持的编程语言版本以及如何处理某些语言特性和结构。
Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment variable "CUDACXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER to the full path to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH.
This message is indicating that in order to compile a CUDA (Nvidia GPU programming) project using CMake (a cross-platform build system), you need to specify the location of the CUDA compiler. You can either set the environment variable "CUDACXX" or the CMake cache entry "CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER" to the path of the compiler.
If the compiler is in your PATH, you can simply set the "CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER" to the name of the compiler, otherwise you need to specify the full path to the compiler executable.
For example, if the CUDA compiler is located at "/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc", you can set the "CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER" as follows:
set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER "/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc")
Alternatively, you can set the "CUDACXX" environment variable:
export CUDACXX=/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
No mex compiler configured for the 'cxx' language. To specify a compiler, run the command "mex -setup".
这是一个与 MATLAB 相关的编译器问题,需要使用命令 "mex -setup" 来指定 mex 编译器。你可以查看 MATLAB 的文档来了解更多关于 mex 编译器的信息。是否还有其它问题需要我帮忙解答呢?