public List<OrderBasicInfoDB> getDispatchAcceptTimeOutOrderList(OrderReq confs) { logger.debug("enter getDispatchAcceptTimeOutOrderList()"); String hql = "from OrderBasicInfoDB where 1 = 1 "; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hql = addOrderReqCondition(confs, hql, params); hql += " and order_status =:order_status "; params.put("order_status", EnumDefine.ORDER_STATUS_ASSIGNED); hql += " and dispatch_accept_status =:dispatch_accept_status "; params.put("dispatch_accept_status", EnumDefine.ORDER_DISPATCH_ACCEPT_STATUS_NO); Date limitTime = DateUtil.addMinute(new Date(), -GlobalScope.getConfiguration().getOrderDispatchAcceptTimeoutLimit()); //String limitTimeStr = DateUtil.convertTimeByFormat(limitTime, OrderBasicInfoDB.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); hql += " and dispatch_time < :dispatch_time_limit "; params.put("dispatch_time_limit", limitTime); hql += " order by dispatch_time asc"; return queryPageList(hql,params, confs.getPageNo(), confs.getPageSize()); }如何在此段中加入判断字段order_final_status是否为1

时间: 2024-04-11 14:26:00 浏览: 16
要在此段代码中添加对字段order_final_status是否为1的判断,可以按照以下步骤进行修改: 1. 在方法中添加一个条件变量,用于判断是否需要加入对order_final_status字段的判断: ```java public List<OrderBasicInfoDB> getDispatchAcceptTimeOutOrderList(OrderReq confs, boolean checkOrderFinalStatus) { ``` 2. 在方法内部根据checkOrderFinalStatus的值来动态构建hql语句和添加参数: ```java if (checkOrderFinalStatus) { hql += " and order_final_status =:order_final_status "; params.put("order_final_status", 1); } ``` 3. 调用该方法时,根据需要传入checkOrderFinalStatus的值。若需要判断order_final_status字段为1,则传入true;否则传入false: ```java getDispatchAcceptTimeOutOrderList(confs, true); ``` 注意:在调用该方法时,需要确保字段order_final_status的值的类型与判断条件一致。


要在C++中调用Yolov5模型,可以使用以下步骤: 1. 安装OpenCV和Libtorch库。OpenCV用于图像处理,Libtorch用于深度学习模型的加载和预测。 2. 下载并加载Yolov5模型。可以使用PyTorch将预训练的Yolov5模型转换为Libtorch格式,然后在C++中加载它们。加载模型时,需要指定输入图像的大小和通道数,并设置模型的推理模式为eval。 3. 准备输入图像。将输入图像读入内存并转换为Libtorch张量。 4. 运行模型。将输入张量传递给模型,并使用forward函数进行推理。模型将返回一个输出张量,其中包含检测到的物体的位置和类别。 5. 解析输出结果。从输出张量中提取检测结果,并将它们绘制到图像上,或者将它们输出到控制台。 这里是一个简单的示例代码,演示如何加载Yolov5模型并运行它: ```c++ #include <torch/script.h> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> int main() { // Load model torch::jit::script::Module module = torch::jit::load(""); // Input image size const int input_size = 640; // Input channels const int input_channels = 3; // Set model to evaluation mode module.eval(); // Prepare input image cv::Mat image = cv::imread("test.jpg"); cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(input_size, input_size)); cv::cvtColor(image, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); torch::Tensor input_tensor = torch::from_blob(, {1, input_size, input_size, input_channels}, torch::kByte); input_tensor = input_tensor.permute({0, 3, 1, 2}).to(torch::kFloat).div(255); // Run model std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs; inputs.push_back(input_tensor); torch::Tensor output_tensor = module.forward(inputs).toTensor(); // Parse output results const int num_classes = 80; const float conf_threshold = 0.5; const float nms_threshold = 0.5; std::vector<cv::Rect> boxes; std::vector<int> classes; std::vector<float> scores; auto output = output_tensor.squeeze().detach().cpu(); auto idxs = output.slice(1, 4, 5).argmax(1); auto confs = output.slice(1, 4, 5).index_select(1, idxs).squeeze(); auto mask =; auto boxes_tensor = output.slice(1, 0, 4).masked_select(mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(output.slice(1, 0, 4))).view({-1, 4}); auto scores_tensor = confs.masked_select(mask).view({-1}); auto classes_tensor = output.slice(1, 5).masked_select(mask).view({-1}); torch::Tensor keep = torch::empty({scores_tensor.size(0)}, torch::kBool); torch::argsort(scores_tensor, 0, true, keep); auto keep_vec = keep.cpu().numpy(); for (int i = 0; i < keep_vec.shape[0]; i++) { int index = keep_vec[i]; int cls = classes_tensor[index].item<int>(); float score = scores_tensor[index].item<float>(); cv::Rect box; box.x = boxes_tensor[index][0].item<int>(); box.y = boxes_tensor[index][1].item<int>(); box.width = boxes_tensor[index][2].item<int>() - box.x; box.height = boxes_tensor[index][3].item<int>() - box.y; boxes.push_back(box); classes.push_back(cls); scores.push_back(score); } // Non-maximum suppression std::vector<int> indices; cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boxes, scores, conf_threshold, nms_threshold, indices); // Draw detection results for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { int idx = indices[i]; cv::rectangle(image, boxes[idx], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); cv::putText(image, cv::format("%s %.2f", "class", scores[idx]), cv::Point(boxes[idx].x, boxes[idx].y - 10), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); } // Display detection results cv::imshow("Detection", image); cv::waitKey(); return 0; } ``` 其中,test.jpg是输入图像的文件名,yolov5s.pt是预训练的Yolov5模型文件名。在该代码中,我们使用OpenCV对输入图像进行处理,并使用Libtorch加载和运行模型,最终将检测结果绘制到图像上。


首先,需要安装 `torch` 和 `opencv-python` 库。然后,可以使用以下代码实现你所需的功能: ```python import torch import cv2 import numpy as np class YOLOv7: def __init__(self, model_path, device='cuda'): self.model = torch.load(model_path, map_location=device)['model'].float() self.device = device self.anchors = torch.tensor([[10,13], [16,30], [33,23], [30,61], [62,45], [59,119], [116,90], [156,198], [373,326]]).to(device) self.stride = torch.tensor([8, 16, 32]).to(device) self.grid_size = 0 self.img_size = 0 def detect(self, img): self.img_size = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = cv2.resize(img, (640, 640), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255. img = torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(self.device) self.grid_size = img.shape[2] // self.stride with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model(img) outputs = self.postprocess(pred) return outputs def postprocess(self, pred): outputs = [] for i, p in enumerate(pred): if i == 0: anchor_idx = [3, 4, 5] else: anchor_idx = [0, 1, 2] grid_size = p.shape[2] stride = self.img_size[0] // grid_size scaled_anchors = self.anchors[anchor_idx] / stride prediction = self.decode(p, scaled_anchors) prediction[..., :4] *= stride outputs.append(prediction) outputs =, 1) return self.non_max_suppression(outputs) def decode(self, pred, anchors): batch_size, _, grid_size, _ = pred.shape pred = pred.view(batch_size, 3, -1, grid_size, grid_size).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous() x, y, w, h, obj, cls = torch.split(pred, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1], dim=-1) x = torch.sigmoid(x) y = torch.sigmoid(y) obj = torch.sigmoid(obj) cls = torch.sigmoid(cls) grid_y, grid_x = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(grid_size), torch.arange(grid_size)) xy_grid = torch.stack((grid_x, grid_y), dim=-1).to(self.device).float() xy_grid = xy_grid.view(1, 1, grid_size, grid_size, 2) xy_grid = xy_grid.repeat(batch_size, 3, 1, 1, 1) x += xy_grid[..., 0:1] y += xy_grid[..., 1:2] anchors = anchors.view(1, 3, 1, 1, 2).repeat(batch_size, 1, grid_size, grid_size, 1) w = torch.exp(w) * anchors[..., 0:1] h = torch.exp(h) * anchors[..., 1:2] x1 = x - w / 2 y1 = y - h / 2 x2 = x1 + w y2 = y1 + h prediction =, y1, x2, y2, obj, cls), dim=-1) return prediction.view(batch_size, -1, 6) def non_max_suppression(self, prediction): output = [] for i, image_pred in enumerate(prediction): # Filter out confidence scores below threshold conf_mask = (image_pred[:, 4] >= 0.5).squeeze() image_pred = image_pred[conf_mask] # If none are remaining => process next image if not image_pred.size(0): continue # Object confidence times class confidence score = image_pred[:, 4] * image_pred[:, 5:].max(1)[0] # Sort by it image_pred = image_pred[(-score).argsort()] class_confs, class_preds = image_pred[:, 5:].max(1, keepdim=True) detections =[:, :5], class_confs.float(), class_preds.float()), 1) # Iterate over detections for c in detections[:, -1].unique(): detections_class = detections[detections[:, -1] == c] # Sort by score keep = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long) while detections_class.size(0): large_overlap = self.bbox_iou(detections_class[:1, :4], detections_class[:, :4]) > 0.5 label_match = detections_class[0, -1] == detections_class[:, -1] # Indices of boxes with lower confidence scores, large IOUs and matching labels invalid = large_overlap & label_match keep =, detections_class[:1].long()), dim=0) detections_class = detections_class[~invalid] detections_class = detections[keep] # Append detections for this image output.extend(detections_class.tolist()) return output def bbox_iou(self, box1, box2): """ Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes """ box1_area = (box1[:, 2] - box1[:, 0]) * (box1[:, 3] - box1[:, 1]) box2_area = (box2[:, 2] - box2[:, 0]) * (box2[:, 3] - box2[:, 1]) inter_min = torch.max(box1[:, None, :2], box2[:, :2]) inter_max = torch.min(box1[:, None, 2:], box2[:, 2:]) inter_size = torch.clamp((inter_max - inter_min), min=0) inter_area = inter_size[:, :, 0] * inter_size[:, :, 1] iou = inter_area / (box1_area[:, None] + box2_area - inter_area) return iou ``` 然后,可以使用以下代码调用该类: ```python model_path = 'path/to/your/yolov5.pth' yolov7 = YOLOv7(model_path) img_path = 'path/to/your/image.jpg' img = cv2.imread(img_path) outputs = yolov7.detect(img) print(outputs) ``` 输出的 `outputs` 是一个列表,其中每个元素都是一个检测框的信息,包括类别、置信度和四个顶点位置。

















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用Spring boot和vue写一个登录注册界面

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