sed 's/N//g' >ref-100-1.fa
时间: 2023-12-27 22:05:18 浏览: 63
This command will remove all occurrences of the character "N" from the file ref-100-1.fa and save the modified content in a new file (which is not specified in the command).
for i in $(ls D/.mp3); do ffmpeg -i 'C/'$(ls C/.mp4 | head -n $n) -i $i -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy -shortest $(ls C/*.mp4 | head -n $n | sed 's/C///g' | sed 's/.mp4/_.mp4/g'); n=$((n+1)); done 把这个代码分行
for i in $(ls D/.mp3); do
ffmpeg -i C/$(ls C/.mp4 | head -n $n) -i $i -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy -shortest $(ls C/*.mp4 | head -n $n | sed s/C///g | sed s/.mp4/_.mp4/g)
n=$((n 1))