请将下列英文翻译成中文: Soil moisture is critical to agricultural business, ecosystem health, and certain hydrologically driven natural disasters. Monitoring data, though, is prone to instrumental noise, wide ranging extrema, and nonstationary response to rainfall where ground conditions change. Furthermore, existing soil moisture models generally forecast poorly for time periods greater than a few hours. To improve such forecasts, we introduce two data-driven models, the Naive Accumulative Representation (NAR) and the Additive Exponential Accumulative Representation (AEAR). Both of these models are rooted in deterministic, physically based hydrology, and we study their capabilities in forecasting soil moisture over time periods longer than a few hours. Learned model parameters represent the physically based unsaturated hydrological redistribution processes of gravity and suction. We validate our models using soil moisture and rainfall time series data collected from a steep gradient, post-wildfire site in southern California. Data analysis is complicated by rapid landscape change observed in steep, burned hillslopes in response to even small to moderate rain events. The proposed NAR and AEAR models are, in forecasting experiments, shown to be competitive with several established and state-of-the-art baselines.
时间: 2023-02-25 22:34:39 浏览: 144
`ecosystem.config.js` 是 Vite(一个现代的前端构建工具)中的一个重要配置文件,用于定义和定制项目的构建过程、路由、打包选项等核心设置。这个文件通常位于项目根目录下,是Vite运行时的核心配置文件。
在 `ecosystem.config.js` 中,你可以配置以下几个关键部分:
1. **项目入口**:定义项目启动时哪个HTML文件或JavaScript模块作为入口点。
2. **服务**:如服务器的地址、端口以及是否开启热更新等。
3. **路由映射**:如何处理静态资源、动态路由以及子路径。
4. **构建选项**:比如代码分割、压缩、优化图片等构建相关的配置。
5. **预处理器**:对特定文件类型的处理,例如CSS预处理器(如Sass、Less)或JS转换器(如TypeScript转ES6)。
6. **插件**:自定义Vite的行为,可以添加第三方插件进行扩展功能。