AttributeError: 'Activation' object has no attribute 'outbound_nodes'
时间: 2023-10-30 07:03:45 浏览: 186
您遇到的错误是"AttributeError: 'Activation' object has no attribute '__name__'"。根据引用中提到的解决方法,您可以通过拓展`Activation`类来解决此问题。具体做法是导入`from keras.layers import Activation`。这样做可以扩展`Activation`类,使其具有`__name__`属性。
总结起来,解决"AttributeError: 'Activation' object has no attribute 'outbound_nodes'"错误的方法如下:
1. 导入`from keras.layers import Activation`
2. 将``替换为`model.save_weights(XX.hdf5)`。
AttributeError: 'Add' object has no attribute 'outbound_nodes'
- 在某个层中未正确设置输入和输出。
- 在构建计算图时,意外地创建了一个没有输出的节点。
- 在使用某个自定义层时,未正确实现 call 方法。
AttributeError: 'Conv2D' object has no attribute 'outbound_nodes'
This error typically occurs when you try to access the `outbound_nodes` attribute of a `Conv2D` object, but the object does not have this attribute.
The `outbound_nodes` attribute is used to access the nodes that depend on the current node in a TensorFlow graph. However, not all TensorFlow operations have this attribute, including `Conv2D`.
To fix this error, you may need to modify your code to use a different approach that does not rely on the `outbound_nodes` attribute. You could also try checking if the object you are trying to access has this attribute before attempting to access it.